Wanda Nara makes Mauro Icardi sign a million-dollar contract to avoid infidelities

Wanda Nara surprises everyone with her new idea. The Argentine media, which has more than sixteen million followers on Instagram, She has been boasting for several months about the good health that her marriage with Mauro Icardi enjoys after a period marked by comings and goings. of the couple. The soccer player’s alleged infidelity with actress China Surez was a hard blow for the model, which is why she has carried out forceful action in order to protect her relationship with the father of her two daughters.

According to journalist Jorge Lanata exclusively, Wanda Nara has made her husband sign a million-dollar contract in order to avoid possible new infidelities. Just after celebrating ten years of marriage, The presenter of MasterChef Argentina seals this pact that will imply that the player pays her several million dollars in case of disloyalty.

An information that both protagonists have not yet wanted to comment on, but that It enjoys complete credibility on the other side of the Atlantic given Lanata’s reputation. It should be remembered that it was this communicator who gave the scoop on Nara’s state of health when he was diagnosed with leukemia after routine medical check-ups.


  • The Galatasaray footballer wants to renew his vows with his wife after almost ten years of marriage. It was beautiful to receive the proposal from him, says Nara.

  • Wanda Nara makes Mauro Icardi sign a million-dollar contract to avoid infidelities

    The Argentine media woman gives an interview to her sister Zaira on the Rumis program in which she gives juicy details of her beginnings with the soccer player.

Family vacation

Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi These days they are in Mexico enjoying a family vacation. accompanied by their two daughters in common Francesca and Isabella. A day of well-deserved rest that both enjoy after months full of many professional commitments.

Recently, the model He visited a favela in Brazil to record the video clip for what would be his second song as a solo artist. His first single Bad bitch is already a success on YouTube with more than three million views, as well as on the main music platforms.

In the midst of treatment for the leukemia that was diagnosed last July, Wanda Nara does not neglect her professional career. Just a few weeks ago she won the Italian edition of Dancing with the Stars and now He counts the days to start recording his new project on Netflix: Love is blind Argentina where to help sixteen anonymous people find their better half.

Netflix star?

To the Argentine edition of Love is blind, a docureality of her life could be added in the purest style of Georgina Rodríguez or Tamara Falc. This is what Wanda Nara hinted at during her latest round of questions and answers on her Instagram profile. One of her followers was interested in the idea of ​​bringing her luxurious lifestyle to the Netflix screen, a project that has already been tempted by the platform and that could arrive sooner rather than later.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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