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After a long absence on social networks, Camille Santoro gave her news in an Instagram story this Friday, October 6. The star of Large families: life in XXL published a worrying message.

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These last few months have been trying for Camille Santoro. In June, the star of the show Large families: life in XXL appeared in tears when announcing the death of her father to her subscribers on Instagram. “The last few months have been very long, unbearable. But it’s over, my dad is gone. I’m going to need a little time to get back on track. (…) Everyone who knows me knows the important place he had in my life”, she declared. And to confide, a month later: “Everything is still very mixed up in my head, but one day at a time and it will be fine. The last few months have been quite difficult, the last few weeks too and I think the ones that arrive will be just as difficult. I think that you have to pick your head up and go for it. That’s what he would have liked. That’s what I’m trying to strive to do.”

Camille Santoro (Large families) back on Instagram after a long absence

Since then, Camille Santoro seemed to be doing much better and had resumed her activities on social networks. Very close to her community, the 30-year-old young woman had resumed the habit of sharing her busy daily life between the management of her pajamas brand and the education of her six children, who entered four different schools. At two years old, her youngest, Alba, entered the nursery. “I’m so happy for Alba, she had a great time (…) it’s always crazy to think about the time that has passed. I went there the first time, I was 18, I arrived with my little baby, I didn’t have much and yet, I never felt judged… Little emotion this morning”confided the mother on September 8, before disappearing from social networks.

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Camille Santoro (Large families) gives worrying news

While she had gotten back on track with her life, Camille Santoro suddenly disappeared from Instagram, causing concern among her subscribers. After several weeks of absence, Nicolas’ wife came out of her silence this Friday, October 6 by giving her news in story. And the least we can say is that the message she published there is particularly worrying. “Recent times have been extremely difficult. We are living through dark times that I never imagined. It’s been impossible for me to find the strength to come here and share content. I apologize to you for this absence and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your many messages, your compassion and your understanding.”she wrote, before promising her community that she would return “very quickly”.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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