Senator Scott opposes legalizing marijuana in Florida due to difficult family experience

Miami.- ESPECIAL. “We must join forces, Maduro must go,” is the call made by Republican Senator Rick Scott, in an exclusive interview with THE AMERICAS DAILYafter learning of the conflict that arose in Venezuela because the government, without offering the opportunity to access the scrutiny, on Sunday, July 28 attributed the majority of the vote to Nicolás Maduro and proclaimed his reelection, ignoring the will of the electorate who elected Edmundo González Urrutia by majority vote, as shown in the count of more than 80% of the minutes which the opposition was able to access later and showed at a press conference.

The legislator for the state of Florida, after learning of the report issued by the National Electoral Council (government) on July 28, which did not reflect the voting intention expressed in previous polls, nor the popular support shown in campaign events in favor of Edmundo González, demanded transparency in the vote count, in solidarity with the will of the Venezuelan people, and was immediately pointed out by the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, along with Senator Marco Rubio, also from Florida, and several former presidents of Latin America, of being part of an intervention operation against the electoral process in the South American nation.

During the exclusive interview given by Scott to this newspaper, the senator made clear his position regarding what is happening in Venezuela and what is keeping that country in a social and political environment of great turmoil.

“The Biden-Harris administration has to do something. They helped Maduro by lifting sanctions with a policy of appeasement,” the senator said. “But the people of Venezuela spoke, they spoke loud and clear, they said they don’t want Maduro another day. The people in Venezuela deserve the best.”

“Unfortunately, the Biden administration has been weak on freedom in Latin America and the world,” the senator said, “but we have to do everything possible to get Maduro to leave power.”

“The Biden-Harris administration must step up and unite the international community to get Maduro out of power and out of Venezuela.”

“So I’m doing everything I can to get Secretary of State Blinken, President Biden and Vice President Harris to start stepping up and doing the right thing.”

The full interview with Senator Scott will be available in our print edition on Friday, August 2 and at

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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