With the conquest A new kitchen was produced in which Andean foods and others brought by the Spaniards were brought together.

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During the colonial period food was plentiful and varied. With the mixture of the Spanish and the indigenous, very characteristic and tasty mestizo dishes emerged that gave way to what would later be known as Creole food.

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Among the imported and typical stews were: the theologian soup, the stew, the chupe, the sancochado, the chilcano with fish head, the roast duck, the roast chicken, the duck in queregue, the torrejas, the olluco with charqui, the tamales, the cause, the chanfainita, the carapulcra, the pepián, the cau cau, among others.

Creole food. Photo: Stock.

As desserts: manna, porridge, curdled milk, shampoo, sango, empanada, and many other laboriously prepared sweets. The drinks consisted of wine, brandy, and chicha de jora and purple corn.

It was customary to serve many dishes and it was a sign of good manners to consume them completely, including repetitions and ‘bites’.

popular classes

The food was copious and varied even for the popular classes. Only the Indians were the exception, since they remained attached to their old stews, or, failing that, they ‘quenched’ their hunger by chewing coca.

The anticuchero (Pancho Fierro).

The anticuchero (Pancho Fierro).

The black slaves lacked privileges and used to eat what the Spanish did not want, such as the entrails of the beef, which they seasoned and cooked on the coals.

From there came very representative dishes of the current Peruvian gastronomy, among them the anticucho.


In this process, the Spanish, culinary, indigenized and the Indian Europeanized.



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