You are currently viewing "What do you want me to tell you?" : Jean-Michel Tinivelli (Simon Coleman) tired of playing cops?  He answers

On the occasion of the rebroadcast of the pilot of Simon Colemanthe new series that he plays for France 2 and of which a new episode was broadcast last week, Jean-Michel Tinivellipodcast guest Of shadows and lights, looks back on the multiple investigative roles that he has been offered since his beginnings. Does he feel, like Raphaël Lenglet, a sort of weariness?

Jean-Michel Tinivelli: “We are always prisoners of our physique!

Lack of imagination on the part of producers, being locked into a job inspired by one’s physique? Jean-Michel Tinivelli responds without false modesty: “We are always prisoners of our physique! But at some point you have to open up, let go. It’s like those who say: “this one does television, that one does cinema, or the other one, we only see him in cop roles”. What do you want me to tell you? People see me like that, I’m not going to call myself to “cast” myself! I have lots of friends who don’t work, so I’m already happy to work. Afterwards there are ten billion possibilities to play a cop!”

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Jean-Michel Tinivelli: “I have a stuffy nose and light eyes, what can I do?

And the actor who lent his features to Commander Marquant in Alice Nevers the judge is a woman alongside Marine Delterme to add: “When I arrived in Paris at twenty-five years old, with the face of an Italian footballer – at least that’s what I was made to believe! – I convinced myself of what people said about me. It’s true that I’m Italian, that I have a blown nose and light eyes: what can I do! You have to accept it and not play hide and seek with yourself: “be yourself, the others are already taken” as Oscar Wilde said! Despite some small moments of “darkness”, I am quite optimistic, in fact. Let’s try to be who we are, to take responsibility for ourselves and to be happy!

Soon on TF1 in Lost River with Odile Vuillemin

Jean-Michel Tinivelli did not shy away from his pleasure on the set of Lost river, the mini-series which he has just completed filming for TF1, alongside Nicolas Gob (The art of crime), Barbara Cabrita, Kamel Belghazi (Tomorrow belongs to us), Bruno Debrandt (The girls of fire) or Odile Vuillemin (Prometheus). An investigation into the disappearance of two little girls, in which he plays… “And yes, another cop”, he jokes. “But it’s different from what I’ve done before. I tried to find another look, to slow down my flow or, at least, to calm my ardor a little. In short, to vary the pleasures to have fun myself!”

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The full interview is available on the podcast Shadows and Lightjust like those of Cécile Bois, Mikaël Mittelstadt, Fabienne Carat or Michele Bernier.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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