Florencia Bertotti is the iconic actress who starred in the popular Argentine youth soap opera, “Floricienta”. The It was one of the most popular in the early 2000s, making songs like “Flores amarillas” continue to be heard to this day.

The TV show premiered on March 15, 2004 and it was a modern interpretation of the tale of “Cinderella” by Charles Perrault. At first, it tells the story of Florencia Fazzarino, an orphan girl who works in a greengrocer’s, but dreams of devoting himself to music.

Due to fate, is hired in the house of a wealthy family as a nanny, where he meets Federico Fritzenwalden (Juan Gil Navarro). Since then, she has had many adventures with Fritzenwalden’s younger siblings, as well as enduring her evil fiancée, Delfina (Isabel Macedo).

Bertotti’s participation in the first and second seasons of “Floricienta” catapulted her to international stardom and she toured different countries in Latin America. However, 19 years after the premiere of the series, the actress decided to get away from the spotlight.


The last time that Florencia Bertotti participated in a television program was in 2016, when she played Fabiana Aniello in the miniseries “Silences of family”. While her last appearance in front of cameras was in the movie “Almost Legends”, where she played Sol.

Since then, she has stayed away from the television industry, although that does not mean that she has disappeared from the map, since now she is concentrating on her own projects such as his YouTube channel as radio show host “Days and Flowers” of Vale 97.5 and has his own business.


The change was not overnight, as the Argentine actress began this transition long ago, when In 2013 he decided to launch his children’s clothing brand called “Pancha”.

I come to harangue you if you are in doubt about starting your own business, I want to tell you that when you love what you do, there is nothing and no one to stop you!”, Flor wrote in an Instagram post in 2022.

Before deciding to retire, the artist had had legal problems with Cris Morena due to copyright, and this was a disappointment for Bertotti. For this reason, in his last years of activity, he was more inclined to participate in film and theater productions or composing music for programs.


It all happened after “Niní” was released and it was a success. The children’s soap opera starred Florencia Bertotti, who also produced it together with Guido Kaczka, her ex-husband.

Florencia Bertotti starred in “Niní” in 2009 (Photo: Kaberplay and Endemol)

Cris Morena and the RGB producer denounced Florencia for plagiarism, assuring that it was a copy of Floricienta and, to be honest, the plot was quite similar with slight modifications. Therefore, the courts determined that the plaintiffs were right and “Niní” had to broadcast a double chapter that gave an accelerated conclusion and abrupt to history.

I don’t think I was wrong with Niní. Not really. It was a spectacular program, the first production I did, I wrote the songs. Yes, it was a boys’ show and yes, it competed with products she made, but it wasn’t that they couldn’t live with what she made. Also, out of 30 scenes she had, in 15 she was disguised as a man, and she had never done that before. I think it was more the trouble of making something that competed with the products that Cris made in general.”, Florencia commented in 2018.

However, the differences were left behind in 2019, when Cris Morena sent him a message for his birthday and, a year later, they announced the return of Floricienta for the channel’s 30th anniversary.


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