What happens if a member of the polling station is absent during the 9J elections?

This July 9, elections to the European Parliament will be held in Spain. A moment of great political interest in which the Spaniards will decide the future of the representatives in the Eurochamber together with the votes of the rest of the member states.

The polling stations will be formed at 8 in the morning, when the incumbents and substitutes appear to begin the electoral process that will begin at 9 in the morning and will culminate with the closing of the polling stations at 8 p.m., in addition to the subsequent recount. and sending the votes.

What happens if one of the board members has to leave due to illness?

In that case, the vote would continue with the remaining members.

What happens if it is the president of the Board who has to leave?

He will be replaced by the First Member. If the Second Member does not agree with this designation, it will be the one who has assumed the presidency who will decide on the matter with his casting vote.

Can a board member temporarily leave the board?

Yes, as long as at least two of its members remain in it. In the event that one of the remaining two also had to be absent, the vote would be interrupted until the absent member rejoins. In this case, in addition, the Zone Electoral Board must take the necessary measures for the perfect development of the vote.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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