Founded in 1996, Geneanet is a genealogy website that offers a database based on collaborative data. With more than 4 million members and 8 billion ancestor names, Geneanet is a French reference for finding out more about your family tree. Acquired in 2021 by the American group Ancestry, itself the world leader in genealogy, Geneanet offers general public access to its data.

The geographical origin of surnames

Want to know where your last name comes from? The Geneanet website allows you to directly trace the geographical origin of your surname. Thanks to a playful format, you can see on a map which regions of France (or the world) are where your surname is most present, taking into account temporality. This information is based on family trees of the site community.

According to one study carried out by the IFOP for Geneanet in October 2022, genealogy occupies an important place among the French: 7 out of 10 have a real interest in this science. They are 71% to be interested in their roots and their origins, and 31 % even say they are “very interested”. Among the motivations cited, 32% of respondents want to “know where I come from”. Next comes the desire to understand family history (21%) and finally curiosity (17%).

Cartography for the surname “Duteuil” between 1800 and 1900 © Geneanet

If you are one of those curious people, the Geneanet site is easy to learn: just type in your last name and a map will show you its popularity by region. The site indicates the classification of the municipalities where the family name is most present. The site also provides access to family trees containing the surname. Note that you can also use the filter by date to find out how the surname has evolved over the years.


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