This is considered the Maximum Security prison, it is the Federal Center for Social Readaptation Number 1 ‘El Altiplano’, where the most dangerous criminals are held as prisoners.

The place is carefully monitored, the staff that guards this place must report what is happening in each and every one of the cells and give immediate notice of any irregular movement.

This prison is located in Ex Rancho la Palma S/N, town of Santa Juana, in the municipality of Almoloya de Juárez, State of Mexico, about 25 kilometers from Toluca.

The maximum security prison has an area of ​​260,000 square meters and has a capacity for 724 prisoners.

According to the report Evaluation of processes. budget program; Administration of the Federal Penitentiary System, presented by the National Security Commission and UNAM, the prison has walls one meter thick and airspace is restricted, as are communications within a 10-kilometer radius.

What drug traffickers and criminals are in the Antiplano?

The prison houses several of the bosses, drug traffickers, kidnappers and even the best-known former officials, such as:

Israel Vallarta, leader of the criminal gang Los Zodiaco.

Zhenli Ye Gon, a Chinese-Mexican businessman accused of importing chemicals for the production of methamphetamine.

El Mochomo: José Ángel Casarrubias Salgado is the alleged leader of the criminal group Guerreros Unidos. He is accused of the disappearance of the 43 normalistas from Ayotzinapa and of organized crime.

José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, known as El Marro, leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel.

Víctor Giovanni González Sepúlveda, El Chómpiras, is the alleged financial operator of the Sinaloa cartel leader, Dámaso López Núñez, El Licenciado, who was extradited to the United States in 2018.

Florian Tudor, El Tiburón, presumed leader of the so-called Romanian mafia.

El Güero Palma, former leader of the Sinaloa cartel.

Eduardo Arellano Félix, El Doctor, former leader of the Tijuana cartel. (With information from Millennium)


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