Miami, May 14 (EFE).- The former governor of South Carolina and Republican candidate for the White House Nikki Haley affirmed this Sunday that “never” should have been separated minors who crossed the border from their parents, thus distancing herself from the criticized policy carried out by the Administration of former President Donald Trump.

“It never should have gotten to that point,” said Haley, who was also a UN ambassador during the Trump administration, in an interview with CBS’s “Face the Nation” hosted by journalist Margaret Brennan.

Haley, the daughter of immigrant parents, responded this way when asked if she would revive the controversial Trump administration policy as a deterrent to illegal border crossings.

“No, we shouldn’t separate families, but we shouldn’t take families over whom we have no control,” he clarified when Title 42, which affects the border crossing with Mexico, just expired.

When the end of the health emergency expired last Thursday night, the United States stopped applying this title that allowed undocumented migrants to be expelled without the possibility of requesting asylum under the pretext of the pandemic, but it established other restrictions at the border and began deporting through another regulation known as Title 8.

According to CBS, Haley blamed both Republicans and Democrats for the border crisis, saying it “should have been fixed a long time ago.”

He also indicated that he would stop allowing immigrants to enter the country until an immigration reform is approved and that the two parties should sit down at the table to achieve it.

Last February, the 51-year-old former UN ambassador became the first Republican to step forward to contest the party’s presidential candidacy against Trump (2017-2021).

Married to a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley, her full name, was born in Bamberg (South Carolina, United States) in January 1972 in a home of Sikh emigrants, originally from the Punjab in India.

In 2011, she became the first woman and the second person of Indian origin, after Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, to serve as governor of a state in US history.

In June 2021, the current Administration of Democrat Joe Biden stressed that he had a long task ahead of him since his Government had identified 3,913 children who were separated from their parents at the border with Mexico as a result of Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy. .

Between 2017 and 2018, according to official figures, the Department of Homeland Security separated more than 5,500 migrant children from their families at the southern border of the United States.

So far, Trump, Haley, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy and conservative radio host Larry Elder are the contenders for the Republican nomination.


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