Cristiano Ronaldo he madly loves the two most important women in his life. One of them is obviously her partner, Georgina Rodriguezwho accompanies him on each football adventure alongside his children, while the second is and goalscoring ability on the pitch, as I always supported him when he chose to be an athlete.

Regardless of who has been by his side the longest or who now makes him happy from the time he wakes up to the time he falls asleep, the Portuguese footballer loves these two women equally, so he can’t conceive of not having them or that there is some rivalry or enmity between the two. He wants to have them in the best possible way, happy and willing to continue forming a beautiful family that .

We refer to that because it is no secret to anyone that these two women do not have the best relationship. As they say in different parts of the world, the mother-in-law is usually someone very complicated and special for the couples of her children and, precisely, that is what, in theory, Georgina Rodríguez has had to live with the mother of her beloved . However, she has not been dominated at all and marked a healthy distance, but that has been affecting “CR7″.

Georgina Rodríguez and Cristiano Ronaldo hurt to post together on social networks (Photo: Cristiano Ronaldo / Instagram)


Since the love story between Cristiano Ronaldo and Georgina Rodríguez became known, it transpired that the Portuguese’s mother did not agree with it, although at that time there was not a distant relationship, but a cordial one, in which they coincided when they were topics related to the soccer player, such as the celebration of a title or special dates, such as birthdays, Christmas, among others. Although there was not excessive affection, everything was very formal between the two parties.

As time went by, it was said that the two had formed an enmity, but there was nothing confirmed, since the media, mainly Portuguese, had no way to prove it and based all their doubts on suspicions or rumors that grew stronger. What’s more, in full confinement everything increased when someone noticed that Dolores Aveiro stopped following in to his daughter-in-law, but later issued a statement assuring that it was a mistake, since he does not know how to use the application.

The years went by regularly and everything makes it seem that the relationship between the two women became more tense until the European summer of last year, a time when, according to various portals and programs specialized in shows, they would have stopped talking. , leaving the communication completely null, which would have affected Cristiano Ronaldo in a certain way, because anyone would feel bad if they witness a fight between their mother and their partner.

This became more and more noticeable and several demonstrations were seen at the World Cup. For example, it was assumed that both were supporting Ronaldo and the Portuguese team, but they were not seen in the stadiums or in any of the two publications, endorsing those gossip that claimed that there was a fight in the middle and that they had distanced themselves until the extreme of not exchanging words.

According to several news outlets, this fight is due to the fact that Dolores Aveiro has always been a complicated mother-in-law because she supposedly seeks the best for her son, to the point of wanting to meddle in some decisions that the couple makes as a family, which has not been to the taste of the Spanish, who made the decision to distance herself from her for her own good and to prevent the discrepancies from continuing.

Georgina Rodríguez would already get along with Cristiano Ronaldo's mother (Photo: Juventus)

Georgina Rodríguez would already get along with Cristiano Ronaldo’s mother (Photo: Juventus)


As is evident, the other members of Cristiano Ronaldo’s family felt somewhat uncomfortable with the situation and what to say about the footballer himself, who was in the middle of the two in a situation that anyone would not like to face in their lives. And it is that, practically, he had to be on someone’s side, either his mother or his partner, two of the most important people in his environment, as we already mentioned at the beginning of the note .

That is why Cristiano Ronaldo would have asked his sister Katia, during the World Cup in Qatar in 2022, to intercede for both of them and achieve a rapprochement to settle the differences and return to being a united family, as described let us see in their different publications on social networks. However, those attempts would have come to nothing and each one maintained her position, so there was no reconciliation.


In accordance with , Georgina Rodríguez and Cristiano Ronaldo’s mother would have reconciled and everything was broadcast at a dinner where they were seen together. Of course, it was also communicated how this whole meeting has been cooked, in which they would have finally left their differences behind to be together as a family again.

The soccer player’s mother should have gone to Arabia to celebrate her son’s birthday on February 5, but due to visa problems she could not travel until the 15th of the same month. He shared that journey by plane with Andrade, his partner, and the athlete’s older brother, Hugo, who is usually in charge of some of the striker’s things.

Upon her arrival in Arab lands, Dolores Aveiro joined Cristiano Ronaldo and her eldest grandson, but Georgina Rodríguez and Ronaldo’s other children were conspicuous by their absence, in a clear demonstration that there was still resentment on the part of the Spanish woman, who She didn’t even want to see her mother-in-law at that time.

Dolores Aveiro next to her boyfriend at the Al Nassr stadium (Photo: Dolores Aveiro / Instagram)

Dolores Aveiro next to her boyfriend at the Al Nassr stadium (Photo: Dolores Aveiro / Instagram)

All the newcomers to Arabia went to see Cristiano Ronaldo’s game at the Al Nassr stadium, but the influencer decided not to go to the field either. For this, the Portuguese striker had asked his brother Hugo to be the mediator between the two so that everything returns to normal, but it seems that all these attempts were in vain, since he did not achieve anything.

The light at the end of the tunnel occurred on Saturday night, November 18, when Ronaldo’s entire family, including Georgina and her mother, attended a dinner at a luxury restaurant, where they were caught together, implying that they were that everything is in the past and the family will continue together despite the differences that existed at the time.


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