You are currently viewing Cristina Pedroche reveals who her daughter looks like: “I wanted her to be brunette”

Cristina Pedroche and Dabiz Muñoz became parents on July 14, the day they received little Laia in a birth without an epidural. “I felt empowered, animalistic, mammalian… It was incredible”recalled the television broadcaster during her last interview on the program ‘And now Sonsoles’ on Antena 3. Now, the Atresmedia presenter offers new statements before the microphones of ‘Europa Press’ where she reveals who her daughter looks like and details how she is coping. maternity.

In full recovery on an emotional level, Cristina Pedroche says: “Little by little I will be better. Every day a little better.” “I am very well surrounded. “I’m happy,” she emphasizes for the peace of mind of all her fans. Regarding her return to work, she admits that it is being very hard to be separated from her little one for so many hours: “He’s with my mother. “I’m going to run to cuddle her and breastfeed her.” “I’m taking work easy”he points out.

Who does Laia look like?

Cristina Pedroche and Dabiz Muñoz have chosen not to show their baby’s face to preserve their privacy. “If I already receive many ugly messages about her without having shown a single foot of hers, I don’t even want to imagine what it could be like if I do. She will have to be the one to decide if she wants to be known or not.” she said shortly after giving birth.

For this reason, many people wonder who little Laia looks like. “Dabiz, he looks like him. “She has eyes… I wanted her to be dark-skinned, but she isn’t… she is very white,” details. “He has his father’s little nose, but his eyes are so big… And in that he does look like me. I look at my daughter and I die of love. She is perfect. Now I want eight children,” she adds in ‘Europa Press’.

And the Chimes?

Yes, Cristina Pedroche will be at Madrid’s Puerta del Sol on December 31st to ring the Bells. She confirms it herself. “Of course I will be,” she says. “Well, if they haven’t kicked me out yet. This year what? Should I take the girl? There are many hours there, it’s cold and it makes me sad, but if I leave her at home I also feel sad. This year is my tenth anniversary giving the Chimes. “It’s going to be special,” he says.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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