You are currently viewing Why doesn’t Clint Eastwood drink Coca-Cola in his movies or allow the brand to come off?

Clint Eastwood is one of the great historical references of cinema. The actor, director, producer and screenwriter has had a long career in front of and behind the cameras which has earned him several awards such as 5 Oscar awards.

In addition to his film success, Eastwood is recognized for a unique personality and overwhelming. The 93-year-old filmmaker It has transcended through various media events, often related by its character. One of the most noteworthy things is the ban on Coca Cola in its films, a measure taken by the Californian that has been going on for almost 4 decades.

Since 1984, the actor and director has prohibited any reference or appearance to the famous soft drink brand. Everything arose from the recording of the well-known movie ‘Karate Kid’. The distribution of the feature film It was run by Colombia Pictures, owned by Coca-Cola at the time.


According to the portal The Game of Nerds, Kyle Eastwood, Clint’s son, was one of the candidates to be the actor who gave life to Daniel in The Karate Kid. Finally, after the pertinent tests, the eldest son of the filmmaker he was turned down for the part and Ralph Macchio was cast instead.

After this decision, Clint Eastwood decided to never drink Coca Cola again, a decision he has stuck to to this day, almost 40 years later. In addition, since then, the Californian flatly refuses that any reference or image related to the soft drink brand appears in a feature film in which he has responsibility, either as a director, producer, screenwriter or actor.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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