Will humanitarian parole end with Trump's return to the US presidency?

Donald Trump’s return to the presidency of the United States could mean the end of the humanitarian parole that has allowed thousands of immigrants to enter the United States legally.

Lawyers consulted by UnivisionThey warned that the program is not in danger at this time, but if there is a change in mandate after the presidential elections on November 5, immigrants who have paperwork in progress should be alert.

The executive order authorizing humanitarian parole remains in place, despite President Joe Biden announcing he is withdrawing from his presidential bid.

If the Democrats win the elections, they are expected to maintain their policies, perhaps with adjustments but not radical changes. However, if the Republicans win, the scenario for immigrants is less hopeful.

Trump recently accepted the Republican nomination for the 2024 elections, and made clear his firm stance against immigration and his intention to implement stricter policies on the matter. In the speech he reaffirmed his commitment to launch “the largest deportation operation in American history.”

The statement is in line with actions during his presidency, when he implemented policies that sought to reduce immigration and strengthen border security. This time, Trump promises even tougher measures, arguing that “people have to enter the U.S. legally.”

Humanitarian parole, a pathway created by President Joe Biden’s administration for immigrants from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Haiti to legally enter the United States.

Until the beginning of July 2024, this program has allowed the entry of More than 106 thousand Cubansaccording to US government data.

The Republican opposition, led by figures such as the Senator Marco Rubiohas been consistent in its rejection of this policy, arguing that it is not a viable long-term solution and that it could encourage illegal immigration.

The continuation of humanitarian parole has also been supported by favorable court decisionsIn March, federal judge Drew Tipton of Victoria, Texas, upheld the program despite attempts to block it by 21 Republican states that sued the federal government over the case.

However, Trump’s rhetoric and history of anti-immigrant policies create uncertainty about the future of this program. Trump has repeatedly stated that his administration will focus on strengthening immigration laws and ensuring that only those who enter legally can remain in the country.

Many immigration lawyers and experts say that Trump’s return to the White House could bring with it a complete review of current immigration policies, including humanitarian parole.

The immigrant community, especially Cubans who have found hope for a better life in the United States in this program, faces an uncertain future given the possibility of a second Trump term.

U.S. immigration policy is at a crossroads, and the 2024 elections will be decisive in determining its course.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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