This is revealed by a detention order from the Vestfold district court.

On 20 December, a woman was called by someone pretending to be the police, she has explained in questioning.

The woman was convinced and provided her BankID and personal password in the conversation.

Later that day, NOK 1.4 million was transferred from the victim’s account to the woman in her 40s, who is now accused of fraud.

On New Year’s Eve, she was remanded in custody for two weeks with a letter and visiting ban.

She denies guilt and believes it is all a mistake.

Time to half a million

On the same day that the sum of NOK 1.4 million ended up in the account of the accused woman, she went to Urmaker Christensen in the center of Oslo.

There she bought a watch for approximately NOK 500,000.

The police believe that the money she used to pay for herself originates from the fraud earlier in the day on 20 December.

– We try as far as possible to prevent fraud and are very sorry on behalf of those who have been defrauded, says Christoffer Bjuren at Urmaker Christensen.

OSLO CENTRE: Urmaker Christensen is located in Stortingsgata in the center of Oslo. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

Although the watchmaker does what they can to avoid fraud, they have limited means of action, especially when selling.

– We naturally try to maintain that the payer and the buyer are the same person. If those criteria are met, it is very difficult for us to do anything more. This is also why, for example, today we do not receive payment in cryptocurrency, says Bjuren.

TV 2 is not aware of the type of watch involved in this case. Bjuren does not wish to comment on this.

– As this is now a police matter, the serial number has been registered. Therefore, it will be impossible to sell this watch legally at an authorized second-hand dealer with a license from the police in Norway, he says.

Large cash withdrawals

It appears from the detention order that the accused woman has also withdrawn NOK 98,230 in cash.

The withdrawal must be marked with the message “Forex 4”.

Forex is a Swedish bank that is primarily used for currency exchange, money transfers and the purchase of foreign exchange.

In addition, the woman is said to have transferred a total of NOK 251,500 to three different accounts on the same day that she received the million sum, 20 December.

EXCLUSIVE: TV 2 does not know what kind of watch it is, but the watchmaker carries several exclusive brands.  Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

EXCLUSIVE: TV 2 does not know what kind of watch it is, but the watchmaker carries several exclusive brands. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

The district court believes, like the police, who have charged the woman with complicity, that there are several people involved in the case.

While these people have not yet been questioned, the police have not been able to find the watch.

Claims it was a mistake

In questioning, the accused woman explained that the entire money transfer of NOK 1.4 million was a mistake.

She says that she was therefore supposed to meet the person who had sent the money at Oslo S to return it.

The court does not believe this explanation.

She is therefore in custody so that she will not be able to contact and influence other possible people involved in the case.

TV 2 has been in contact with her defender, lawyer Annette Bettina Christine Barlinn, who does not want to comment on the case.

Police prosecutor Bjørn Bakko in the South-East police district does not want to comment on the case either.


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