You are currently viewing Woody Allen comes out in defense of Rubiales for his kiss to Jenni Hermoso: “What’s wrong with that?”

Woody Allen is in Italy for the Venice International Film Festival and present the film Stroke of luck, a film that will reach Spanish theaters on September 17. From there she has granted an interview to the newspaper The world in which He has even spoken out for a controversy that has gone around the globe: Luis Rubiales’ kiss to Jenni Hermoso minutes after Spain was proclaimed world champion.

The first thing I thought is that they did not hide, nor did he kiss her in a dark alley. She wasn’t raping her It was just a kiss and it was a friend. What’s wrong with that? In the first information we did not know if the woman moved away and said ‘don’t do that’, the director declared. “In any case, it is difficult to understand how a person can lose their job and be penalized in this way for kissing someone.”, he continued.

Immediately after, Woody Allen acknowledges that Rubiales’ kiss was something “wrong”, but he does not hesitate to downplay it: “If it was inappropriate or too aggressive, tell him clearly not to do that and to apologize. It’s not like he killed someone”, he expressed at first. “As an average citizen, he was wrong, he did the wrong thing… But It wasn’t like I burned down a school”, he added. Thus, the New York filmmaker believes that Rubiales should “apologize and ensure that he will not do it again, and once that is done, both move on.” “He wasn’t kissing her in her office with the door closed or anything like that where she was threatened. She was clearly in plain sight and she was in no danger.. But of course, she has every right to make it clear that she does not want to, ”she declared.

Accused of sexual abuse in 1992

Woody Allen He was charged in 1992 with alleged abuse of his stepdaughter Dylan Farrow when she was a minor.. At all times the director defended that it was a false accusation by his ex-partner Mia Farrow to damage her image in the middle of the divorce process, and in fact he was never prosecuted for said accusation.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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