You are currently viewing X/Twitter – Elon Musk wants you to pay her monthly for the network in the future

X expects more income from monthly subscriptions. (Image: X)

Twitter was once a successful social media that even created its own term: tweet (which, by the way, Musk had deleted from the official terms and conditions).

It is no secret that the renamed network has now lost massive amounts of value. Musk himself claims that X has lost 90 percent of its value compared to Twitter Yahoo Finance.

Also the Advertising customers are staying away. Instead of taking countermeasures, Musk is actually making it worse. In fact, he says he borrowed $1 billion from his company Space X just to be able to pay Twitter Forbes.

What could be better than letting users pay for X every month?

X as a monthly subscription?

In a live-streamed conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, Musk said the company via a small monthly payment for the use of X.

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Musk’s explanation: He suggested that such a change was necessary to solve the problem of bots on the platform. A payment barrier would mean they would no longer be able to access the website.

The billionaire is offended by the non-human users who, according to his understanding, use X as a platform to learn for themselves.

Microsoft is also toying with the idea of ​​offering Windows as a tariff model:

How much should X cost?

Musk hasn’t said anything further about whether and when a subscription model will come or how much it might cost.

In the past, the platform has already made the blue verification hooks chargeable, which is loud Mashable did not have the financial influence that was desired.

The idea of ​​the monthly tariff is not new. Musk was already thinking about a paywall last year Platformer News.

We have summarized for you what big plan Elon Musk is pursuing with X.

Elon Musk is once again toying with the idea of ​​further monetizing his social network and restricting access via a monthly payment model. Would you pay for X – or another social network – monthly? Do you think the websites should remain freely accessible? Feel free to write your opinion in the comments.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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