You are currently viewing “You are a coward”: Bernard Tapie “very tough” with Fabrice Luchini, the actor tells how he shook him on the phone

Fabrice Luchini, who plays in the series Tapie, told an anecdote about his relationship with Bernard Tapie during his time in C to you this Friday, September 15. The businessman did not hesitate to show himself “very difficult” with him during a disagreement.

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Died in October 2021, Bernard Tapie was a businessman passionate about sport. But that wasn’t the only thing he knew how to do. He has also been an MP, singer, author and even actor. An incredible destiny told in the new Netflix original series, Tapie. While Laurent Lafitte plays Bernard Tapie, Fabrice Luchini plays Marcel Loiseau, a businessman well known to the former boss of OM. But Fabrice Luchini played a completely different role in the real life of Bernard Tapie. Friday September 15, France 5 organized a special evening on Bernard Tapie to mark the release of the series on Netflix. In C to youAnne-Élisabeth Lemoine received Fabrice Luchini who notably spoke about the series, but also his memories of the man.

Fabrice Luchini opens up about his relationship with Bernard Tapie

On the set of C to you, Fabrice Luchini responds with his usual frankness to the host’s questions and to one question in particular from Laurent Lafitte. “You who worked with Bernard Tapie, the actor, how did it go between you two”, asks the actor. Indeed, Claude Lelouch trusted the two actors to headline the film Men, women: instructions for use released in 1996. If on screen everything seems to be going well between Bernard Tapie and Fabrice Luchini, it’s because it was. “Things were going quite well between us. He has a great personality, he was a huge seducer”, says Fabrice Luchini.

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Fabrice Luchini treated as “coward” by Bernard Tapie

However, their relationship quickly deteriorated over the weeks. Fabrice Luchini explains that after filming, he took a back seat during the promotion of the feature film. Thus leaving Claude Lelouch and Bernard Tapie plenty of time to promote it as they wished. “They wanted to show it in Venice”, remembers the actor when he refused the offer to go there. It was then that he got a call that allowed him to see a completely different side of Bernard Tapie: “I had a phone call from a very harsh man in which he told me ‘you are a coward’ and I said to myself ‘how well this man knows me’”.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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