From netflix transformed into a mega content repository (in a GOOD manner), there were endless discussions about whether the shows were “worthy”.

You could say that Netflix pioneered this concept, dropping entire seasons of one show at a time, eliminating the need to wait for weekly episodes. You can order UberEats, lay in your pajamas all day and consume Card castle in a pile of your own filth to your heart’s content.

But I’ve never been a binger. Not really. I’ve always been more of the “one episode per night” type.

To date, only A The Netflix TV show had me sitting on the couch with the posture of an exhausted baboon, streaming an entire season’s content in one sitting.

This show was The fisherman.

A murder mystery show with a twist, The Sinner is top-notch television. Unlike most crime shows, in which sleuths scour clues trying to uncover Who is the murdererThe Sinner shows you — in its very first episode, in broad daylight — Exactly Who is the murderer. The Sinner is less of a “thriller” and more of a “whydunit”.

The mystery lies in discovering the patterns. What initially appears to be a senseless and wanton act of violence slowly turns into something much more complex.

Jessica Biel is often unrecognizable as Cora on The Sinner.


In Season 1, Jessica Biel stars as Cora, a mother who brutally stabs a stranger to death on a beach as her husband watches. The detective on the case is Harry Ambrose, skillfully played by Bill Pullman in a performance that somehow conforms to detective tropes while subverting them. (Hear Pullman talk about his role on CNET’s I’m So Obsessed podcast). It’s a weird unit, our Harry, with some interesting flaws. Who is the real sinner, huh detective?

Why is The Sinner the most bingeable show on Netflix? It is difficult to find a single concrete answer. The services, in particular of Biel and Pullman, are original and measured. The well-designed spaces in which this mystery takes place are dark, compelling, and suitably spooky. The show’s motifs and aesthetics also do a lot of work – one song, played endlessly throughout, will haunt you in your dreams.

But it’s the series’ structure, the well-crafted storytelling, that really keeps you hooked. The twists are perfectly drip-fed and never feel undeserved. This, combined with the powerful central mystery – why a seemingly normal, well-adjusted woman would brutally murder a stranger – makes it almost impossible to stop watching. Even better, the answers, when they arrive, seem more than satisfactory. The Sinner will not disappoint. It will leave you on edge, a little grubby, but more than satisfied.

The following seasons of The Sinner ever enough reach the same heights. Its second run was solid, but I wouldn’t recommend the show beyond that. But The Sinner’s first season, as a standalone, is as good as it gets. If you’re looking for a murder mystery to back up your dark urges and drag you kicking and screaming from start to finish, look no further. Just be warned: I started this show at 7pm on a Sunday night. I finished it at 3 am the next morning.

Be sure to plan your viewing carefully. Because once you start watching this show, it’s almost impossible to stop.


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