An actress, who faces the public of a festival of monologues, ends up venting about the scene, while drowning in alcohol, in the play “Sorrows know how to swim” by Abelardo Estorinowhich will return for a brief season to the Teatro Garnica.

Starring Ana Laura Corpus, it is a project she carried out under the direction of Sandra Félix, who premiered at the end of september and now it returns for a brief season at Teatro Garnica in January.

On that occasion, the director spoke with VANGUARDIA about her perspective of Coahuilian theater and Mexican theater in general, within the framework of the premiere of this work and of two acting workshops given by the venue that will now house the monologue, as well as his experience with this discipline in the pandemic, which allowed him to delve into the field of Zoom in a very different way.

“He gave us that experience of looking for other languages, other channels. Always the need to do theater and if you can’t, for some reason, you look for another way. If there is no theater, you look for the patio of a house, if not on Zoom, if not on radio theater, there is always this creative need for art”, said the creator, who staged the work on this platform “Rumis” by Manuel Barragan with great success.

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“I loved it, because it was a excellent cast. A very good meeting among all, we did very good chemistry. We worked very well in Zoom, it was a language that I had explored in a student workshop, it came from there and we found hilarious and very ingenious things about Zoom. How not to bore the public, how to make the scenes more exciting, how to make the links, things from Zoom perspectives. When we did it, because they were virtual but to a live audience. I was playing a mini role in the play, of the mother of one of the characters, and I was shaking, my hands were sweating and although nothing else was going to appear on the scene. It was the same feeling when you’re on stage”, he added.

When the restrictions due to the pandemic were lifted, the public and artists rushed back to the face-to-face formatswhich caused any advance in the development of this new type of theater to stop.

$!The monologue 'Sorrows know how to swim' will be presented again in Saltillo.

The monologue ‘Sorrows know how to swim’ will be presented again in Saltillo.

“Right now people want hug again, to have a live theater audience and that doesn’t seem bad to me, because I saw two or three very interesting plays. I believe for people who cannot move or have problems with mobility it would be interesting to continue with a Zoom or virtual theater. Or see theaters from other latitudes, from other countries. I think that has something very good, but I feel that right now we want to return to the presencehe mused.

Theater outside of CDMX

Felix, who was also a juror for the State Show of Coahuila Theater 2019he recalled regarding the scene in the entity that “it gave me the impression that there was a lot of theater, a lot of enthusiasm”, although he also recognized different levels, with more professional proposals and other more amateur ones.

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“I think it is important to decentralize. Due to the density of groups and population, perhaps even support,” said the director, “In Mexico City there is also a need for more support, because it has also been abandoned, and there are new groups that come and go and others What are they more consolidated They would also like more support. It’s a lot of people, it’s a strong competition. There is a lack of support for all sides”.

With Coahuila as the seat of the 42 National Theater ShowFélix compared the event with festivals that he has had the opportunity to witness in Europe, and in which he finds dynamics that he would like to see here.

$!In September he gave two acting workshops at Teatro Garnica.

In September he gave two acting workshops at Teatro Garnica.

“It’s more like a theater party where everyone fits, where groups come from all over […] What I feel with the Show, my perception right now, is that everyone can participate in the call, but we choose only a few, but it feels like a very big competition issue“, said.

“They end up selecting a few because, yes, they are the ones who were able to support and those who selected as a curatorship but then many are left out and that part becomes very sad. So I don’t know if the twist has to be ‘come those who can’. If the states can support, everyone come to a fair, to a party, where all the people are really invited,” he added.

And although he acknowledges that Mexico is a much larger country than Scotland, Ireland or France and that it has other needs, he recalled that much can still be improved in other areas, or even rescue programs that allowed important exchanges and negotiations at the time, such as the National School Theater Program or the IMSS Theatres.

the monologue “Sorrows know how to swim”, starring Ana Laura Corpus and directed by Sandra Félix, will return to the scene with performances on January 14 and 15 at 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., respectively, at a cost of 100 pesos per person at the Garnica Theatre.


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