Young people imprisoned for protests in Nuevitas are tortured

Fray Pascual Claro Valladares, 22 years old, and whom the court asked for 10 years in prison, is in a delicate state of health in the Cerámica Roja prison, in the city of Camagüey, and without medication, denounced his mother, Yanelis. Valladares Jaime, review the web portal Martí News

“He is almost crippled in one foot, he is asthmatic, they don’t give him medical attention, there are five or six illnesses, and of the five or six they don’t treat him at all. When he was in the army they diagnosed him with a state of anxiety, which meant he had to take medication that they didn’t give him,” he explained.

Valladares Jaime expressed his concern about his son’s situation.

“My child has already cooked his mouth twice, he harms himself, an underweight child, who weighs 46 kilograms,” he said.

He also reported on the delicate state of health in which another of those prosecuted for the popular demonstrations, Daiver Leyva Vélez, is in the same penitentiary center, with a request for 10 years in prison.

“Daiver Vélez, a 24-year-old boy, and the boys tell me when we go to visit that he is half crazy in there, that he goes out through the hallways screaming, he gives himself cookies. At the moment he jumps, and screams, and hits. That child was imprisoned and her 19-year-old wife left her pregnant, and I would like you to see the conditions of the woman and the child,” he said.

Imprisoned for the same cause, two women continue to face a critical situation in the Granja Cinco prison, with poor food, no medication, and suffering abuse, their relatives denounce.

They are Mayelín Rodríguez Prado, known as La Chamaca, mother of a girl less than 2 years old and for whom the court asked for 15 years in prison, and Yennis Artola del Sol, also mother of a small child, and with a request for 10 years in prison.

Yennis’ mother, Belkis del Sol, said that she cannot go to all the visits, nor take the child to her daughter, due to the high cost of the ticket.

“Now I hadn’t gone for two months and last week I was able to take him. Just for the ticket, to there and to here, it’s 600 pesos for him and 600 pesos for me, it’s 1,200 pesos,” he explained. He added that his daughter “has had vision problems since she was a child, but there is no such degree, and she continues with her sugar problems, diabetes, all that.

Regarding Rodríguez Prado, he described a similar situation.

“Mayelín, she’s in a bad way, waiting for the sentence. She has visits every week, but the grandmother can’t go every week. She goes once yes and once no… We have to move forward,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, those imprisoned are still waiting for news about how many years they will have to spend behind bars, a concern shared by their families.

“We are still waiting for the sentencing papers. They are asking for 10 years, which is not two days or anything like that,” said Artola del Sol’s mother.

On January 17, the Provincial Court of Camagüey, in a trial held in the Chamber of Crimes against State Security, ratified the prosecutor’s requests against 14 residents of the town of Nuevitas, prosecuted for their participation in the demonstrations of August 2022.

The young people were prosecuted for alleged crimes of sedition, resistance, attack and public disorder, among others, in a criminal courtroom full of special troops, relatives and activists described at the time.

Cuban law stipulates that the trial court must deliver the final sentence within 21 business days after a trial, but none of the defendants have received it.

The popular protests in the town of Nuevitas occurred between August 18 and 19, 2022. The regime’s repressive forces, composed of agents from the National Revolutionary Police, the Rapid Response Brigades and the Special Troops of the Ministry of the Interior known as Black Berets , used excessive force against protesters, which was documented in numerous videos posted on social networks.

Source: Editorial/ Radio Television Martí

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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