The undersecretary of Human Rights, Population and Migration, of the Ministry of the Interior, Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez, acknowledged that there are sufficient elements to determine that the death of five young people in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas was an extrajudicial execution at the hands of the military.

From the Chamber of Deputies, the federal official acknowledged that the young people: Gustavo Pérez Beriles, Wilberto Mata Estrada, Jonathan Aguilar Sánchez, Alejandro Trujillo Rocha and Gustavo Ángel Suárez Castillo, were not armed nor did they confront elements of the Defense Secretariat. Nacional the day they were killed.

However, he indicated that the federal government will wait until the National Human Rights Commission concludes its investigation, to report on the case.

“We have to wait for the investigation that was requested from the CNDH, since it was not a confrontation with the young people. Regardless of who they were, they were executed. Let’s wait for the conclusion of the investigation to find out what happened, obviously there are elements to prove that the young people were not armed and that there was no confrontation, ”he said.

Alejandro Encinas also stressed that although members of the Army “have rights, but whoever breaks the law and commits crimes must fulfill their responsibility,” so the investigation into responsibility for these murders must include the entire chain of command.

Israel receives information

Regarding the statements by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who called on the Government of Israel to send Tomás Zerón de Lucio, former director of the Criminal Investigation Agency, to Mexico, implicated in the “historical truth” of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto about the disappearance of the Ayotzinapa students, the official commented that they are in the prosecution phase, although they continue to search for the students; Three have already been identified, but “we have to continue looking for the students we are missing, we have very clear lines of research in this regard.”

He stressed that the prosecution is going to be very important and within it is the extradition process that has been raised with respect to Tomás Zerón in Israel, where there has been a good disposition on the part of the Israeli authorities. “We hope that in the coming weeks the process of the interaction of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) will officially begin, through the special unit with the Israeli judicial authority.”

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