Young people rescue great hammerhead shark stranded on Miami beach

Two intrepid young people managed to rescue a great hammerhead shark that was stranded on a beach in Miami.

The huge shark was on the sand when two young men decided to grab it by the horns on its peculiar head and pull it back into the sea.

“Incredible! “These guys caught a great hammerhead shark in Miami and were able to safely release it shortly after!” the site reported. Only in Dadesharing a video of the event.

In early June, Florida authorities warned swimmers about the presence of sharks on the Gulf of Mexico coast, after three people suffered serious attacks.

While patrolling the beaches of the West Coast in boats, officers noticed an increase in the presence of sharks in the so-called Panhandle area, which includes the westernmost 18 counties of the state.

Authorities even temporarily closed several beaches after a woman and two teenagers were injured in shark attacks in Walton County. Beaches were reopened, but with red (high-risk conditions) and purple (indicating the presence of dangerous marine life) flags warning of danger.

In mid-April, a hammerhead shark, also known as the cross horn shark, attacked the cork raft of some Cuban fishermennear the Havana coast.

“What kind of madness! Look how it bites the cork. Here it comes again! It’s not going to knock us down but… what kind of shark! These are anecdotes that only we live,” said one of the fishermen. protagonists of the surprising meeting at sea.

At the beginning of this year, three hammerhead sharks caused astonishment when they reached the very shore of a Florida beacha, where bathers could not believe what they were seeing.

The event happened at dusk on Anna Maria Island, a barrier island located off the coast of Manatee County. The video of the curious event showed a group of people standing on the seashore, enjoying in amazement the spectacle given by the three sharks flapping at their feet.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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