Youtuber Peldanyos points out which are the best Mercadona cookies

Choosing between one product or another, as well as finding the best supermarket cookies, can become an overwhelming task. However, the youtuber Peldanyoslike other content creators on social networks, usually walks around the most well-known supermarkets in our country in search of new products to buy, try them out and give his verdict to make this decision easier.

The popular YouTuber has decided to solve one of the sweetest dilemmas of the Mercadona supermarket: what are the best cookies? In a video that has captured the attention of his followers, Peldanyos made a Detailed tour of the many cookie options available in the Valencian chain.

Specifically, this youtuber bought all the cookies from Mercadona for try them in the same day and classify them in a final verdict. From the classic Maria biscuits to the innovative white chocolate cacaocream. However, it was a particular type of biscuit that exceeded your expectations.

Cookies: the best

Among so many options, the Hacendado cookies were the clear winners. These cookies, with a generous 40% chocolate chipsconquered the palate of Peldanyos and now occupy the first place on their list in the Mercadona catalogue. In his video, the influencer did not hesitate to explain the reason behind his choice: The difference with respect to the rest is so great that I am ashamed to even justify it..

At a cost of just over one euro per pack, these biscuits not only delight with their flavour, but also offer excellent value for money. From classic options to more innovative creations, the supermarket chain demonstrates its commitment to quality and consumer satisfaction.

The YouTuber shared his honest opinions on each of the cookies. In addition to the cookies, Peldanyos also praised other options such as Choco cookiesdescribing them as an incredible chocolate explosion, although they did not reach the level of cookies.

The Peldanyos verdict not only highlights the quality of Mercadona’s cookies, but also reflects the growing Importance of influencers’ opinions in the purchasing decision of food products among consumers.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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