Zelensky asks Congress for more help for war in Ukraine

The Ukrainian president Volodímir Zelenski welcomed this Friday the start of his country’s accession negotiations to the European Union next week.

“Millions of Ukrainians, and indeed generations of our people, are realizing their European dream,” Zelensky wrote on the X network. “Ukraine returns to Europato which it has belonged for centuries, as a full member of the European community,” he added.

The European Union approves starting negotiations next week to incorporate Ukraine and Moldova

The European Union on Friday formally approved the start of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova next week, another step in the long process for the two countries to join the 27-nation bloc.

Belgium, currently serving as president of the European Union, said member states have agreed on a negotiating framework.

“This opens the way to launching negotiations on Tuesday, June 25 in Luxembourg,” the Belgian presidency said.

Following a positive assessment by the executive arm of the European Union, EU leaders had already agreed last year that accession negotiations should begin with the two countries. The process between the start of negotiations and its full incorporation into the EU could take several years.

Source: AP/AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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