10 penguin species are at risk from factors such as climate change

MIAMI. – On January 20, Awareness Day for Penguins. Is about animals oviparous with an incubation period of between 33 and 62 days.

National Geographic records that penguins communicate through their squawking, which is how they recognize each other. Generally, these animals live between 10 and 20 years and do so in colonies.

Basically, they feed on fish and plankton. They are sea birds. “Although they cannot fly, they are great swimmers, which is why their fins have adapted to the aquatic environment, where they can reach speeds of 50 km/h. The tail helps them maintain balance when walking on land, and they can also slide on ice to save energy,” notes National Geographic.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature points out that of the 18 species of penguins that inhabit the planet, 10 are threatened. They call for the development of measures to combat the threats that loom, among which are “global warming, ocean pollution, the expansion of invasive species or overfishing.”

Threat to the emperor penguin

In August 2023, it was warned that the melting of Antarctica represents a threat to the penguin emperor. According to a study published in the journal Communications: Earth & Environment by Springer Nature, colonies of these birds in the Bellingshausen Sea region of western Antarctica have had a “catastrophic” loss in chick rearing due to he thaw early.

Crucially, penguins inhabit a variety of different climates in the Southern Hemisphere and are found in Antarctica. However, the Galapagos penguin is found north of the equator. This species is endangered due to habitat deterioration, climate change and poaching.


Source: National Geographic / International Day Portal/ Energy Go

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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