If you’re among those who promised to get rid of a few (or a lot) kilos in 2023, know that the kickoff can be a simple reformulation of your everyday habits.

Those who are starting from scratch can benefit from incorporating healthy habits into their routine. Making adjustments to grocery shopping, for example, may be enough to start a more balanced diet.

“The final goal requires persistence, effort and guidance, but a few simple steps guarantee immediate results and serve as an incentive for the journey”, comments nutritionist Antônio Vígolo, from the Tivolly clinic, in Brasília.

Among the attitudes that health professionals consider essential is meal planning. “Hunger is a bad advisor. Leaving food ready for consumption makes life easier. Organization is a key point in a food plan”, advises Vígolo.

See 6 attitudes that facilitate weight loss according to the expert:

1. Learn about quantities

The nutritionist explains that it is not necessary to restrict food to lose weight. “You need to adapt needs and objectives. Prohibitions do not help the brain to get used to the diet. On the contrary, they can even increase the desire for less healthy foods”, explains Vígolo.

He explains that, with proper guidance, it is possible to reach the healthy amounts of each food group, which allows for a more diverse and tasty menu.

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2. Be aware of water consumption

The daily water recommendation is calculated from the person’s weight multiplied by 35 ml. The expert claims that adequate consumption decreases hunger, as it confers satiety.

That is, hydrating prevents the individual from fleeing the food plan. It is noteworthy that with optimal water consumption, the intestine also works better.

3. Find a way to exercise

Physical activity is not just limited to the gym and doesn’t even have to be painful. “The exercise can be done on the building’s stairs, in the park, indoors or outdoors,” says Vígolo.

The daily time devoted to physical activity should be at least 30 minutes. Exercises increase caloric expenditure, accelerate metabolism, control stress and fight depression.

4. Escape ultra-processed foods

Industrialized foods are villains for health. Ultra-processed foods are linked to the development of problems such as obesity, high cholesterol and depression.

The nutritionist points out that fresh foods are rich in nutrients and vitamins, in addition to having fewer calories.

5. Increase protein consumption

“Proteins increase satiety, ensuring adherence to the food plan”, explains Vigolo. He points out that the right amount is calculated according to the height and weight of the individual.

Protein intake also increases disposition for daily activities.

6. Be focused and persistent

Vígolo claims that the combination of a healthy diet and physical exercise brings noticeable results even in the first month.

“Don’t expect weight loss to happen overnight. If the individual follows the guidelines, weight loss will occur. Done is better than perfect. Take the first step and then the second”, he encourages.

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The post 6 Easy Ways to Lose Weight If You’re Starting a Diet first appeared on Metropolis.


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