A Ferrari!  Camila Guiribitey's welcome home gift to her baby Alma

After nine months, Camila Guiribitey is already enjoying little AlmaBaby Strawberry, as she called her second daughter during pregnancy.

As with their firstborn, Aurora, the father and the entire family prepared a spectacular welcome home for the mother and the newborn girl.

As if the balloons and beautiful decorations weren’t enough, The welcome gift for Alma was nothing more and nothing less than a Ferrari.

“Alma’s welcome. Baby Strawberry. You are such a loved and desired baby, your mommy, your daddy and your sister (who was your stork, she brought you) we love you with our lives. Your daddy prepared this welcome for you and me, but mommy had something up her sleeve too,” Camila shared on Instagram along with a video of her leaving the hospital and her arrival home next to the baby.

“Last year Pippa received a white Ferrari with pink stripes (which was obviously for mom). This year Alma received a strawberry red Ferrari (this time for dad). They imagine them in 18 years with their Ferraris (which will already be vintage) and the beautiful story they will have to tell that they were their welcome home gifts,” added the Cuban influencer.

In April 2023, Camila Guiribitey’s first daughter was born thanks to a surrogate pregnancy and a few months later she and her partner announced that they were expecting another baby.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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