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As if it were divine justice, since he broke up with Gerard Piqué life does not stop smiling at Shakira in other aspects. Especially at workwhere he adds recognition around the world, musical hits, new advertising collaborations… As if life had decided to give him one of lime and another of sand.

If in Barranquilla they are already finishing the statue in his honor, now it is Spotify the one that announces that it will honor the Colombianone of the most recognized Colombian artists, declaring on September 29the day that marks twenty-five years since the release of his album Where are the thievesas Shakira Day.

“Spotify announces #ShakiraDay, responding to the call of fans, who have been key in amplifying the message. This initiative is a tribute to the artist who has represented Colombia with pride before the world for many years.”said the leader of relations with artists and record labels for Spotify in the Andean region, Manuela Echeverry.

Why September 19

That day commemorates a quarter of a century since the release of his fourth studio album, Where are the thieveswhich includes ‘Ciega, deafmuda’ and ‘Si te vas’, which It became the best-selling Spanish album in the United States and it was his take off as the world star which is currently.

“A notable moment in my career since I made my world debut with Where are the thieves is having sung in three world cups, having participated in a Super Bowl and having debuted in Billboard’s Top 10 after more than 30 years!” the artist told Spotify’s For The Record blog.

This initiative is part of the campaign that Spotify launched in recent days in Colombia and Latin America, #ShakiraMereceUnDía, where they also conducted a survey that reveals that 72% of Colombians surveyed believe that, without a doubt, the Barranquilla artist deserves to have a day in her honor.

According to the platform’s survey, 37% believe that Shakira has transformed the image of Colombia worldwide and 31% value it for the drive and influence it has had on other artists.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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