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Announced in 2020, the new project Star Wars dedicated to Lando Calrissian, the smuggler and friend of Han Solo, will ultimately not see the light of day. Well, not in the form you were hoping for…

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After Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Mandalorian and recently Ahsoka, the Star Wars series for summer 2023, what does the prolific universe of George Lucas have in store for us next? If you thought everything had already been told, think again: a new spin-off of Solo: A Star Wars Story centered on Lando Clarissian is in preparation! Announced in 2020, this new project which will mark the return of the character played by Donald Glover (Atlanta) in theaters in 2018, was initially planned for release on Disney+ as a series. But the platform ultimately changed its mind. Stephen Glover, co-writer with his brother Donald, revealed this Thursday, September 14 during the podcast Pablo Torres Finds Out that it would ultimately be a film. Why such a turnaround?

Lando : from a series to a film

This change in format follows the replacement of Justin Simien (Dear White People), the showrunner, by Donald and Stephen Glover. It is the latter which explains this last minute change of format. “It won’t be a series…. The idea now is to make a film,” he explains, before adding that the writers’ and actors’ strike had slowed down the process. If the project is still in its early stages, the fact remains that the story of the film will indeed be dedicated to Lando, historically played by Billy Dee Williams in episodes V, VI and IX of the saga, whose involvement in this new project is still unknown.

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A marginal like we don’t make anymore“: who is Lando Calrissian?

In another interview with GQ last April, Donald Glover gave some details regarding the hero of the film. “Lando is charm personified. It’s a kind of marginal that we don’t do anymore. It’s hard to be a smooth talker these days. What is the limit that should not be exceeded? How far can he go without putting himself in danger?” he then confided. While no release date has yet been announced, would it be possible to see Lando join James Mangold’s next film, which will notably see actress Daisy Ridley reprise the role of Rey?

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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