has risen a strong alert in the entertainment world and it is that through a video broadcast on social networks, the artists expressed their support and requested economic cooperation from the people for a famous Mexican actress.

Actors like Ana Serradilla, Andre Palacios, Daniela Schmidt and Alejandra Urdiain joined the support network to Renata del Castillo, who will be operated on for a spinal tumor and needs surgery.

It turns out that an actress known for her participation in the telenovela “Cuando seas mía” on Tv Azteca requests support from the public so that she can combat the disease that she was diagnosed with.

Support for actress Renata del Castillo

Support for actress Renata del Castillo

Support for actress Renata del Castillo

Through a web page, the unfortunate case of the Mexican actress has been made known, as it says: “A few months ago Renata was diagnosed with a mass in her lower back that is oppressing her sciatic nerve.”

They ask for support to support actress

They ask for support to support actress

“Quickly, this pain has progressed, as well as the size of the mass, leaving Renata in a wheelchair. Renata does not have health insurance and an operation is urgently needed […] We need to raise 250,000 pesos to cover the operation that will allow Renata to walk again, medicines and child support,” they explain on the website created to raise funds for the actress who was part of Tv Azteca.

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Money will be used to attack the disease

They ask for support to support actress

They ask for support to support actress

In the same way, the website clarifies how the money raised will be used for each peso donated for this noble cause: “The funds will be distributed as follows: Operation cost: $150,000 MXN. Recovery and medicines: $50,000 MNX. Rent, electricity, water, gas, pantry: $50,000 MNX”

It should be noted that so far more than 130,000 pesos have been raised, that is, a little more than 50 percent of what is needed to achieve the goal and that the actress who worked for TV Azteca can start her treatment to combat the illness.

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