Aitana denounces a manipulated image on networks: They bullied me at school for that

Social networks have become the worst ally of celebrities, or if not, let them tell many of them that they have become viral phenomena due to an image or public statement. The last victim was Aitanawho has seen how her name does not stop echoing on X (Twitter) because of a screenshot that a user took from a Vogue video on TikTok, in which the artist shows her latest haircut, which she has at big events.

In the snapshot you can see Aitana’s look with her reddish hair, but without her well-known bangs and without any drop of makeup.. This detail has raised all kinds of reactions and comparisons, where most agree that it looks very similar to that of Kiko Rivera. How changed Kiko Rivera is, points out a user.


The manipulated image of Aitana, which she has denounced on social networks.

Aitana comes forward

The wave of comments generated by this viral capture has completely angered the artist, who has assured that it is an edited image. An edited image of mine is being manipulated, I recommend that if you are going to judge something, it should be something real, he begins by saying. The former triumphant has recalled that she suffered bullying during her school years due to an event of these characteristics.

I can also tell you that I was bullied at school for that reason and from then on a great insecurity was created in me., he adds. Aitana admits that she is safe despite having experienced a similar situation, but she demands that they stop manipulating images. I feel safe today, but don’t manipulate images. As expected, his tweet has received a great reception on social networks thanks to the support from his army of fans.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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