You are currently viewing Alaska leaves ‘Neighborhood Cinema’ after three years and already has a replacement

TVE can boast of having to its credit some of the most mythical programs on television, and one of them, dedicated to culture, is ‘neighborhood cinema’. A space dedicated to promoting Spanish cinema and in which films from our cinema are presented, and which has been presented by José Manuel Parada, Carmen Sevilla, Inés Ballester, Concha Velasco, Elena Sánchez, and Alaskacurrently.

But, after three years working as an orchestra director, the artist leaves the program behind after having recently signed for ‘TardeAR’the new program by Ana Rosa Quintana on Telecinco, with which they seek to give a script twist to the latest audience data, and after having also signed on as a researcher for the fourth season of ‘Mask Singer’where he will coincide with the Javis (Javier Calvo and Javier Ambrossi) and with Ana Milán.

Inés Ballester returns to ‘Neighborhood cinema’

Some signings that have caused his departure from TVE, which he recovers, with his goodbye, a face who knows the house very well, and who also knows what it is to be at the controls of this program, as it is Inés Ballesteras reported ‘The Television Man’.

Inés Ballester will return to what was her home, ‘Cinema de barrio’, a place where she already worked as a presenter in 2010accompanying another mythical one like carmen sevilla. And it is that, in addition, Inés was also the presenter of the special that La 1 de TVE did, ‘Always Carmen’in homage to the artist after her death.

A presenter with a long career on television, whose last job on TVE had been ‘Blood ties’and who has currently been working on Telemadrid, presenting ‘Together and …’with Ricardo Altable.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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