Albert Rivera's hint to Mal when asked about love and his partner

Albert Rivera He has reappeared in public after spending a season away from the lights and spotlights. The former leader of Ciudadanos has taken advantage of his weekend to enjoy the last day of the Seville April Fairwhere it has been captured by Telecinco cameras.

The former politician does not usually give statements about his personal life, but it was in the fair booth where he was, surrounded by music, dancing, when he answered a question about love before the Socialit’ microphone. When asked if he had been in love in the past, Rivera has ended up releasing what has been interpreted as a hint towards his ex-partner, the artist Mal, pointing out that a little with a gesture with his hand.

It was then that, from the Mediaset program, they asked him about his current relationship: And now, how are you? A lot?to which Albert Rivera responds again, but this time with a very different expression, signaling with another hand gesture that yes, he is very much in love right now..

And the former politician has found love again, doing it with the influencer Carla Cotterli. A relationship that Rivera himself ended up confirming last December: I’m starting with a girl, but life is stages. I want to take it easy on this one..

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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