Alves' mother, after the footballer's trial: I have a lot of confidence in my son's innocence

This same week the Dani Alves trialaccused of having sexually assaulted a 23-year-old girl in the bathroom of the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona, ​​on December 30, 2022. A case for which he ended up in provisional prison at the Brians penitentiary center since January 20, 2023.

Now, after the highly anticipated trial, in which more than 22 witnesses have passed, in addition to the complainant and the soccer player, his mother has been, Luca Alves, who has spoken in Let’s see about this case, having been able to see him for a few moments when he left the dungeons of the Barcelona Court to enter the room where the trial was held.


  • The accused defended his innocence this Wednesday, supporting his version with the full consent of the complainant and the mitigating circumstance that he was drunk.

Mar Guerrero, the reporter from the Telecinco space, was the one who was able to chat with Luca, who was always accompanied by her legal team and also by another brother of Daniel Alves. And, despite having been in the Court for three days, No one has been able to enter the room, nor has he been able to talk to his son, hug him or talk to his lawyer.something that they already reported through their networks after the three sessions.

I trust in God 100%. I have great confidence in my son’s innocence and in justice.. I have not been able to hug my son, I have not been able to talk to him and during these three days I have been seeing him several timesinteracting with me, with gestures of affection, a few kisses… then I have seen my son, but I have not been able to be with him. Not being able to hug my son, that has been the hardest thing for me.Alves’s mother begins by pointing out.

Luca could only see his son in the corridors of the Barcelona Court, and according to Mar Guerrero, Dani Alves was the one who asked the court not to enter the room so he could hear everything that was said there..

Five years without seeing Joana Sanz

They were not able to witness the entire trial from the courtroom, but they did have the opportunity to meet again with Alves’ still wife, Joana Sanz. What was that moment of seeing Joana Sanz like? the reporter asked her, to which she responded: I’d say we haven’t seen each other in about five years… but it’s still a little while….

Furthermore, Alves’s mother wanted to remember what she thinks the footballer is like, remembering past moments, such as when he left home: My son left home when he was 16, to work, he went to the capital of our city, he was two years living with several different people…

I received letters from the people who took care of him, from the caregivers praising my son. He is a loyal man. My son began to have the responsibilities of an adult at 16 years old. My son is the kind of man who opens car doors for women. The kind of man who adjusts your chair for you when you are going to sit down… He treats everyone well. To all, it has concluded.

Some statements that come after the trial of Dani Alves, who is already waiting to hear the judges’ verdict. It should be remembered that the Prosecutor’s Office is asking for nine years in prison and compensation of 150,000 euros; while from the private accusation they request a total of twelve years in prison.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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