Ana Guerra confesses that she lost her wedding ring an hour after receiving it

The echo of the wedding bells that announces the nuptials between Ana Guerra and Vctor Elas The news of the heart has been reverberating for months. When one of the two appears on a television show, red carpet or radio program He can’t stop a smile from occupying the lower part of his face when he pronounces the other’s name. The last to do so has been Ana Guerra, who has burst into amorous gestures when talking about her partner in zapping at the same time that he confessed the particular anecdote that happened to him with the ring that best represents a link: the wedding ring

It all started with a set of letters that the presenter of the format, Dani Mateobegan by giving the singer the messages that Vctor Elas and Fran Perea had left her. Her future husband was direct and asked her to tell what happened when she received the ring in question.. And the ex-triumph, immersed in shame, confessed: I lost it

I took everything out of the washing machine, I threw away all the makeup…

I was on a video call with my parents showing them the ring, the singer began the story, whose gesture became funnier and funnier as the sentences passed. He added the precedent that was already sowing the matrix of loss: So I took it off because I was going to take a shower and I didn’t want to get it wet. It happened without knowing how, but aware of the moment in which it strangely disappeared: When I got out of the shower I couldn’t find it.


A. Prez MeccaEuropa Press

The number of times the long hand of the clock completed a revolution began to be counted in plural. Ten minutes later, the interpreter of Not even the time I can’t believe it: I started to have a very bad time, it gave me a lot of anxiety. And it went further. I took all the things out of the washing machine, I threw away all the makeup…and he didn’t get it.

The one who did it was him. The laughter that now occupies the reconstruction of the scene has nothing to do with the drama of the present, which was eternal for the singer. She cried and cried thinking that she had lost her ring practically an hour after receiving it. In the end, when something is lost at home, one cannot always wonder where it would be hidden if it were the lost object: It was under a brush.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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