Ana Pastor's affectionate nickname for Antonio Garca Ferreras

The connections in which Antonio Garca Ferreras contacts Ana Pastor and both are called by their last name are already a tradition on special days such as elections. Some nicknames that have always caught the attention of the public and have been the product of comments on social networks since they are, after all, the two members of a couple.

The journalist spoke about this issue in an interview that took place in the last installment of the program And now Sonsoles. Pastor, this time in charge of answering questions and not asking them, came to promote the Generacin Top contest, a format totally removed from the content of interviews and information that has been conducted in recent years.

I love that on television he calls you Pastor. Does he call you that at home too? Sonsoles asked him. Yes, and I call him Ferri, but on the phone I have him as Ferreras. Just like you have and many other peoplehe responded with a laugh, clarifying that they are not married, but as if we were.

For me it’s Ferri, although not live. Maybe it has escaped me at some point. At home, he intersperses Pastor and Ana, she has continued, leaving her interlocutor with intrigue. Do you say, Pastor, to dinner? No, although it could be, because he is the one who cooks. He knows how to cook and I don’t. He likes it and no, he has settled it.

Another thing she has revealed is that she is not able to sleep alone with the light off. Although she shows an incisive and brave character in her work, Pastor has acknowledged that she is not entirely like that. When I sleep alone I am very afraid, although I don’t show it. During the day I don’t care about everything, but at night I have that fearhe clarified.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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