Anna Padilla and the impossible move: Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong

There are houses that, regardless of whether they begin to be built from the roof, the walls or the floor, are predestined to complicate the conversion from building to home that experiences any place to which a move is embarked. Anna Padilla She has verified it for herself.


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  • Anna Padilla and the impossible move: Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong

    The influencer was preparing her new house in Cantabria when the blow occurred that ended up tattooing a bruise on her lip.

The year began with excitement and joy for Paz Padilla’s daughter, who visualized very close the new love nest that she would share with her partner. However, and the first feeling always prevailing, The frustration would have grown one step for each packed box.

This is what the influencer through their social networks. This weekend desperation would have been unleashed for a process that just a month ago seemed easier to carry out: Remind me not to do it again in my life, among many other things and bad decisions that I have made in these two days.

What am I doing with my life?

I’m not sleeping here, I’m sleeping at Mario’s house, because until yesterday we didn’t have a bed. How horrible. The most difficult bed to find in my life, it took us two days, Padilla has reported on his Instagram account. Then he added that he had no clothes and that he had the boxes lying around, so he couldn’t get his things out. She curled the curl: No, I didn’t even have them here. I had to take them this morning from my old house.

Almost as a headline, the influencer He gave a brief summary of the sensations he experienced this weekend: In other words, a two-day move. Awful. Everything wrong, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Then dive back into the history of your house in pieces: I’m going to take a shower at Mario’s house because the shower is still under construction. When yesterday I arrived with half of my things and I see all the workers here finishing skirting boards, the bathroom… What am I doing with my life?


Not everything was going to be bad news. First he saw the light at the end of the tunnel that runs through his house.: They will finish it on Monday and that’s it because I don’t have a countertop, I don’t have a vitro, it arrived wrong on Friday and they have to bring it on Monday. And then he let the same excitement that has accompanied him throughout this process eat the boredom in one bite: I’m very happy, I’m saying I’m very tired, but I’m happy.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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