Anne Igartiburu gives her opinion on the presenters of the TVE Campanadas

Anne Igartiburu is once again absent from Spanish Television’s Campanadas. This is the second consecutive year in which the Basque presenter does not count for the public corporation. The reason? His participation in the last edition of Tu cara sounds familiar to me, as well as his signing for Telemadrid. From the entity, they did not see favorably that the La 1 star moved for a few weeks to Antena 3 and the Madrid regional channel.

For this new year, TVE has decided to bet on Ramón García, Ana Mena and Jenni Hermoso. A choice that once again leaves the Basque out of the game. He had tremors when he found out the news, they say from Informalia.

Alucin. I thought again that they had played it. She has accepted a lot of things to continue with the network, including recording Corazon in Barcelona, ​​where she has to travel every weekend with the family complications that entails. And now she finds herself with this, they add from the aforementioned medium.

But what does Anne Igartiburu think of the three faces that will say goodbye to 2023 and welcome the new year on La 1? Fantastic. I think it’s a great trio. Very good, she comments in front of the Europa Press microphones. I think I’ve also heard that Jenni is the second most influential woman in the world. Everything seems fine to me, I don’t have any problems., keep saying. In addition, the Basque woman assures that she adores the singer Ana Mena.

Your plans for New Year’s Eve

The presenter clears up all doubts about whether to make a splash on any other platform, as happened last year when she joined Ramón García and Ibai Llanos on Twitch. I don’t think so, she says. Likewise, Anne Igartiburu reveals her plans for December 31. See the Chimes from home like I did when I was littlekeep confessing.

See them on La 1, of course. When I gave them, I went to see Cristina Pedroche, we presenters greeted each other, but then you defend yours. I greatly admire my colleagues, be they men or women, whatever they do.. Putting yourself in front of a camera and defending a program, any type of work, is commendable to me, she concludes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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