Announce delivery of the El Ateje Editorial Award, 2023

MIAMI.- Editorial El Ateje announces the winners of the third installment of its El Ateje Editorial Award in recognition of the career of three outstanding Cuban cultural personalities.

Founded in Miami in 2020, Editorial El Ateje has as its fundamental mission the dissemination and promotion of the artistic values ​​of Cubans in exile and as its essential purpose to particularly highlight the work of those who have contributed exceptionally to enriching Cuban arts. outside the island.

He El Ateje Editorial Award recognizes the trajectory of Cuban creators in three categories, POETRY, NARRATIVE AND THEATER, which are named:

PREMIO angel Cuadra de Poesa

Carlos Victoria AWARD for Narrative

Pepe Escarpanter Theater AWARD

Each category will be awarded to a personality by presenting them with a recognition plaque.

The reasons that were taken into account when selecting the winners are based on the contribution of the winners to the arts through their work and literary validity.

The award is only granted to living figures, residents outside of Cuba and who maintain exile status.

The laureates in 2023 are:

Po E. Serrano, Angel Cuadra Prize for Poetry

Jos Abreu Felippe, Charles Victoria Prize for Narrative

Hctor Santiago, Pepe Escarpanter Theater Award

During the first deliveries of El Ateje Editorial Award The winners were Orlando Rossardi, Magali Alabau, Zo Valds, Rolando Morelli, Matas Montes Huidobro and Rolando Moreno.


Pio E. Serrano (San Luis, Oriente, 1941). Studies of Cuban and Latin American Literature at the School of Letters, University of Havana. Between 1968 and 1969 he was a professor in the Department of Philosophy of the University of Havana. Upon submitting his request to leave the Island, he remains for four years in the agricultural work camps intended for those who permanently leave the country. In 1974, he finally traveled to Madrid, where he remains to the present. In the Spanish capital he worked as a translator and interpreter, until Carlos Alberto Montaner offered him to direct Playor’s publications until 1989. In 1990 he founded Editorial Verbum. With Dr. Martha Frayde he creates the Cuban Committee for Human Rights; He founded, together with Jess Daz and Felipe Lzaro, the magazine Meeting of Cuban Culture in 1996. He was part of the Editorial Board of the Hispanic Cuban Magazine. He is the author of A Own Shadow (1978), Travel Notebook (1981), Second Travel Notebook (1987), Poesa Reunida (1988) and The Book of Demonscoming soon.

José Abreu Felippe (Havana, 1947) is a poet, narrator and playwright. He went into exile in 1983 and resides in Miami. Gastón Baquero International Poetry Prize 2000 with El tiempo exterior and Baco Prize 2012 for his entire dramatic work. In his prose the pentalogue El olvido y la calm stands out. In 2014 he published 121 readings, a selection of literary reviews, and in 2016, The subjected time, which brings together almost all of his poetry. Also, among others, Yesterday’s Path (2019), Dying by Sections (2020), The Green Flies (2021), The Memory of Time (2022) and Naked Tales (2023).

Hector Santiago (Havana, 1944). Director, playwright, actor, puppeteer, choreographer, dancer and painter. He graduated from the Dramaturgy Seminar of the National Theater of Cuba. He has lived in exile in New York since 1979. His works have been premiered in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Peru and Paraguay. Golden Letters Award 1997, for Life and Passion of La Peregrina; Chicano/Latino Contest Award, Dramatic Monlogue International Theater Award, Madrid, Spain. Alberto Gutirrez de la Solana International Theater Award. In New York he participated in a group exhibition at the Jadeite Gallery and in a one-man show at the gallery of curator Gustavo Valdés in New Jersey. Author, among others, of the novel The Memory of Water (2012), the works The Crazy Game of the Crazy Women and The Last Flight of La Paloma (2020) and the book of stories Morir de isla y vivir de exiles (2021).

Information about the award ceremony:

Date: Friday, January 19, 2023

Time: 8 pm

Lugar: Miami Hispanic Cultural Arts Center, 111 SW 5th. Avenue, Miami, 33130

FUENTE: Press release

Tarun Kumar

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