Antonio Resines, to Mara Patio: For me you are a sexual reference

This Saturday, the tragic death of Concha Velasco At 84 years of age he has occupied the media spreadsheets, and the main topic of all television networks. Telecinco also wanted to appear at the burning chapel installed in the La Latina theater, the artist’s home in Madrid.

A place where, since social‘, they have been reporting on family members, friends and other celebrities who have been arriving, such as Antonio Resinesanother of the great references of cinema and series in Spain, who has appeared live before the program to speak with Mara Patiolocated in the plate of the chain. I have connected with you because you are a reference programthe actor began by pointing out between laughs.

Afterwards, the interpreter wanted to talk about Concha Velasco, whom he considers one of the great references in cinema, theater and television. Some little worlds where she has worked for practically her entire life: Concha Velasco is a very important person in this country. I’m not saying it for myself, but there is one thing… actresses of Concha’s size have done a lot of good for this country. People have really enjoyed them, but Concha’s case is exemplary. She has been working since she was 18, and she has done so until very recently.

A few words with which he did not end his appearance on the Telecinco program. After thanking him for the connection, María Patio confessed that she thought the actor was going to say something to her: Thanks Antonio, I thought you were going to tell me something, I mean maybe he doesn’t like Mara Patio… I mean well, I’ll assume it.

Mara Patio, without words

For his part, Resines has denied that he was going to say anything bad to him. And, in addition, he wanted to confess to the Telecinco presenter that for him, she is also a reference: For me you are a sexual reference, he added, leaving Patio speechless. Just kidding, just kidding, goodbye, the interpreter concluded.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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