You are currently viewing Antony’s ex shows evidence of the player’s alleged assaults

Last June the influencer and DJ Gabriela Cavallin filed a complaint against the footballer Antony for an alleged crime of domestic violence, threats and injuries. The Brazilian appeared at the Women’s Defense police station in Tatuapé and denounced alleged attacks that occurred this year and demanded an urgent protection measure and a forensic examination to assess his injuries. In the same way, before the agents he attached the threatening messages sent by the Brazilian and some images that would demonstrate the consequences of violence by the Manchester United player. Last Friday he filed a second complaint against the player in Manchester and now UOL He brings to light, after contacting Gabriela, all the details of that complaint and the photographs he shared with the authorities.

According to the Brazilian portal, In one of the videos that are part of the investigation, an injury would be seen that exposed the bones of Cavallin’s fingers due to Antony’s latest aggression. But the violence that she has suffered goes back a long time, specifically to June 1, 2022 when she was pregnant. As she explained to her UOL, the player was made jealous by a publication in which Gabriela appeared in a nightclub while they were going through a brief separation. Always according to his testimony, Antony, who was at the same club, put her in his car, assaulted her and threatened to throw her out of the vehicle at high speed.. The influencer continues her speech, revealing some alleged threats against her and against the baby she was carrying inside her: “Either I stayed with him or he, me and our son would die. I told her that she was pregnant, that she was scaring me, that my heart was racing. I trembled with fear”.

On June 2, 2022, Gabriela shared an image from the hospital with an intravenous line in her arm, but the investigation also includes conversations in which Antony threatens to disappear: “Nobody will find me. You have done this to me, I said things I shouldn’t have and you haven’t forgiven me. take care of the baby“, wrote. Unfortunately, on July 21, Gabriela lost her baby while she was on vacation in Brazil and after several weeks in which she had to continually go to the hospital to receive IV fluids and to control constant bleeding.

Antony, fickle and controlling, according to Gabriela

After losing her son, Cavallin returned to the Netherlands with Antony and there she suffered again from the control that the footballer subjected her to.. According to her, the Brazilian was fickle and controlling and alternated moments of great affection with outbursts of aggression for which he later apologized. Proof of that control is a capture in which Antony sends him 13 messages in less than a minute with words like “ridiculous”, “disgusting” or “I hope you die”. In other conversations that UOL does not publish but does cite, Antony would have shown his anger for a few likes from Gabriela to photographs of Gil Cebola with Neymar: “What I don’t understand is that you liked everything that Gil Cebola has published about Neymar. Even if it’s an old photo. There are even commented photos”.

The signing of the player by Manchester United took Cavallin to England, but he decided not to accompany him to the World Cup in Qatar at the end of the year. According to her, he wanted to take advantage of the distance to end their relationship definitively, but he did not succeed. A month later, in January 2023, Gabriela would have suffered another two alleged assaults at the hands of Antony. One was with a headbutt that caused a cut on his head, while the other, a punch to the chest, caused the silicone prosthesis to come off. Again, the influencer assures that the fight arose from Antony’s jealousy over someone he had met years ago.

As a result of this episode, there were more attacks until he ended up with a serious injury that led to his return to Brazil in search of protection. The investigation includes the testimony of a friend of the couple who would have seen how Antony behaved possessively, publicly insulted Gabriela and destroyed her mobile phone on two occasions. “I knew I had to go, but I couldn’t. I loved him so much… (…). That last day (May 8, 2023) was very serious. He was very afraid of not being able to leave the house”. Gabriela tells UOL that Antony tried to hit her in the face with a crystal bowl, that she tried to defend herself from her and that the result was a finger injury that exposed her bones. “Antony closed the door of the house and wouldn’t let me out, and I had my finger open. He broke my things, he took my passport (…). He threw balls at me, he threw mobile phones at me. He said that he was going to kill me, that he was going to commit suicide”. The investigation is currently open in England and Brazil and Gabriela obtained precautionary measures to stay away from Antony so that the player cannot contact her.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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