Milei formalizes Argentina's refusal to join the BRICS group

BUENOS AIRES.- President Javier Miley will take a trip over the weekend to the Argentine Antarctica where he will visit two scientific and military bases in his country and will lead an event that will begin a pollution control program of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Milei will travel this Friday to the southern city of Río Gallegos, where he will spend the night, and first thing on Saturday he will travel on a military flight to the Marambio Base to see its facilities, according to details of the trip that the government.

During his race to become president, Milei ignored climate change due to the impact of human activity and said that it was an “invention of socialism.”

From the Marambio Base, Milei and a small delegation of officials will travel by helicopter to the Esperanza Base, where the crew assigned there reside with their families. The president will then return to Marambio to lead the event with IAEA officials, including its head, the Argentine Rafael Grossi.

Grossi explained that the objective of the program is to identify the amount of microplastics in the water.

“It is a trip that has a pioneering character because it is the first time that the International Atomic Energy Agency begins a scientific mission on the Antarctic continent around a global problem, which is very serious, such as the presence of microplastics. and plastics in general in the marine environment internationally, but particularly in Antarctica,” Grossi said.

Antarctica is key because of the large amount of fresh water it contains and the influence it has on climate change.

Grossi met days ago with President Milei and then in his X account he noted that he was “honored to exchange points of view on strengthening cooperation” between Argentina and the organization he heads “in nuclear energy and peaceful uses.”

The president will travel to Antarctica accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, Diana Mondino; the Ministers of Defense, Luis Petri, and of the Interior, Guillermo Francos; and the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei.

The president will return to continental Argentina on the same Saturday.

Source: With information from AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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