You are currently viewing Arthur Harari sends a message to his wife, a famous director awarded at Cannes

This Wednesday, September 27, Arthur Harari was the guest of Léa Salamé on France Inter. The journalist asked him about his films, but also about his numerous collaborations with his wife, Justine Triet. He took the opportunity to send him a very clear message.

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Working as a couple is not always easy. Arthur Harari has been at the heart of the news in recent days with the release of the film The Goldman Trial. The feature film returns to the story of Pierre Goldman, the brother of singer Jean-Jacques Goldman, and his resounding trial in the 1970s. Pierre Goldman was a far-left activist tried for robberies, one of which was between them caused the death of two pharmacists. Arthur Harari plays Georges Kiejman, Pierre Goldman’s lawyer. Invited to the microphone of France Inter and interviewed by Léa Salamé, he returned to this role, but also to his other projects and his collaborations with his wife, Justine Triet.

Arthur Harari, an actor like any other for Justine Triet

The actor and director spoke about his roles in the films of his partner, Justine Triet, the director awarded the Palme d’Or at Cannes this year 2023 for her film Anatomy of a fall. The latter gave him much more of a role than he gave her and he has an explanation for that. “For me, in general in my films, there are many more men than women, which will change“, he says. Léa Salamé then asks him if he plans to include his wife in the casting, to which he replies: “It’s not impossible“. Arthur Harari, however, reveals that Justine Triet does not always reserve roles for him in her productions. “You know, she always made me go through casting calls, I never got a pass. I even tried out for roles and didn’t get them!“, he says. And for his next film, he intends to put him through the same ordeal.

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Justine Triet will pass the casting test

For his next film, Arthur Harari has not yet chosen the people who would join him on the project. However, he could call on his wife, but it won’t be easy for her. “Are you going to take revenge? Are you going to give him a casting?“, asks Léa Salamé. “I’m going to put him through a lot of tests, very hard“, laughs the director. Justine Triet therefore has something to worry about!

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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