Fans of the first-person shooter Atomic Heart can finally breathe a sigh of relief, because with a further release postponement is no longer to be expected. As the publisher Focus Entertainment and the Russian development studio Mundfish have announced, work on the action game is complete now completed. A timely release on February 21, 2023 so nothing should stand in the way.

What is Atomic Heart?

The often as “russian bioshock” designated first-person shooter comes from the development studio Mundfish. In the action game, you end up in a utopian variant of the USSR, which is set in the 1950s. However, it does not have much in common with the known Soviet Union of this era: Numerous robots have found their way into people’s everyday lives, everywhere comes futuristic technology for use. This is where discovery comes into play of a super element called “Polymer” an important role.

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Regarding the graphic style, the architecture as well as the gloomy atmosphere, the Borrowings from the Bioshock series Hard to miss, even if Atomic Heart (buy now €69.41 )ümainly stands on its own two feet and brings enough new ideas with it. By the way, you can read about it in our detailed preview.

Atomic Heart’s long ordeal

The development studio Mundfish announced Atomic Heart already in 2017 The game was originally supposed to come out a year later for PC and consoles.

However, there was when working on the first-person shooter always delaysso the team was forced to do it on several occasions to postpone release. Most recently, Mundfish had set the fourth quarter 2022 release to February 21, 2023, but it will remain so. Since Atomic Heart meanwhile the gold status has been reached, no further postponement is to be expected.

Source: Mundfish via Twitter


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