The governor Axel Kicillof assured this Thursday that “there are chances” to split the provincial elections from the national election and recalled that the electoral law empowers him to convene on a date other than the election in which the president, vice president and national legislators will be elected.

“There are possibilities (of unfolding) and that has to do with the fact that by law we have to do the PASS in conjunction with the Nation, but in the general election our laws allow us to do it in a unfolded manner”highlighted Kicillof when asked after leading an act in Berazategui.

The provincial president referred to the decree that he has not yet signed to call the general elections. For now, in the Province, only the open, simultaneous and mandatory primary elections (PASO) were called for August 13 which, according to what is established by Law 14,086, must be carried out on the same date as in the Nation.

Kicillof also made an analysis of the opposition scenario. “I have heard many voices from the opposition that it was a matter of opportunism, if it was convenient for them to have (Javier) Milei or not to be Milei. They are with that, they run them to the right and the guys jump to the right and There is an Olympics to see who runs furthest to the right”, he stressed. And he continued: “I have already lost sight of them at this point, but there they go, running, to see who goes further. And what do they promise? adjust, dynamite, so I tell our society that perhaps the adjustment It’s a half-abstract word, what right do you want to lose?

At this point, the governor assured that the idea of ​​splitting the elections is not “a question of opportunism, but also discussing the model of the Province of Buenos Aires, which is sometimes overshadowed by national discussion.” And he closed: “We want to discuss the model of the province because it has an identity that is productive, popular. Neoliberalism hurts the entire country, but the one that hits the most is the productive model.”


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