Baba Vanga gets the first of her predictions for 2024 right: what is it and when did it come true?

After having accurately guessed some of the most significant moments in the recent history of humanity, such as the 9/11 attacks in the United States or the tsunami in Thailand which caused approximately 170,000 deaths in 2004, Baba Vanga has done it again. The Nostradamus of the Balkans predicted that in 2024 there will be a increase in cyber attacks which has not taken long to be fulfilled.

In just 15 days into the year, Baba Vanga could cross off one of his six predictions for 2024 from his list. The psychic predicted that cyber attacks at unknown levels on important infrastructure for citizen security will take place this year. It included electrical networks or water treatment plants, but the incident took place at an airport.

The events occurred on January 7, when the Rafic Hariri international airport in Beirut, in Lebanon, was the victim of attacks by a local Christian group. On the screens where the flights that will arrive and depart from the aerodrome appear, they inserted the following message: In the name of the Lord and the people. Rafik Hariri Airport is not the airport of Hezbollah and Iran. Hassan Nasrallah, you will not find anyone to help you if Lebanon is plunged into warthey warned.

Other predictions

Baba Vanga also predicted that the Asian continent would suffer a much more violent tsunami than the one that affected the Indian coast in 2004. Supposedly, The tsunami would be a hundred times worse and more tragic. The prediction would have come true to a certain extent, since Japan suffered an earthquake measuring 7.5 degrees on the Richter scale on January 1. and activated the tsunami alert level, although it did not materialize.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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