Beauty tip or health risk? Special drops are said to make eyes nice and white. An ophthalmologist explains what buyers need to know.

After radiantly white laundry thanks to sky-blue powder, a prime-time TV commercial before the news now promises a radiant look. Blueness eye drop with pharmaceutical hyaluron should not only care for dry and irritated eyes, but also intensify the white of the eyes – “gently”, as the manufacturer emphasizes. The product also receives targeted attention on social networks, for example from influencers, and is referred to as a beauty insider tip for beautiful, radiant eyes. But do ophthalmologists see it the same way?

The eye drops advertised are a so-called medical device. They are therefore only available in pharmacies – locally but also online. First of all, this creates trust among the customers. However, Prof. Horst Helbig, Director of the Eye Clinic at the University Hospital in Regensburg, advises caution. He is media spokesman for the German Ophthalmological Society, i.e. the medical-scientific specialist society for ophthalmology, and has a clear opinion on the blue drops: “They are basically no more than make-up.”

Eye drops for radiantly white eyes: That stretches in

An advantage over others Hyaluronic eye drops Helbig doesn’t see it. “There is no ophthalmological indication for it.” It is a purely cosmetic product that, like make-up, simply changes the effect of the eyes a little. At the same time, like make-up, it has potential side effects and can trigger allergies and intolerance.

From Helbig’s point of view, however, the most problematic thing: “We still don’t know anything about the long-term use and effects of the blue dye used in the eye.” Even if at least smaller in-vitro tests on cells could not find any short-term toxic connection, caution is advised.

Although Helbig admits that the other substances contained in the preparation are so-called artificial tears replace and thus alleviate symptoms including redness in dry eyes. But the blue dye makes no difference.

The manufacturer uses the sodium salt of the hyaluronic acid as a humectant, as is used in many other clear eye drops on the market. Due to its physical properties, it forms a viscoelastic protective film on the cornea and thus reduces friction effects that cause redness, the manufacturer writes in the package insert.

What’s new compared to the competition on the German market: the additional dye Patent Blue V. “Although it has been available for use in the eyes in the USA for some time, it has actually only been available here for a few months,” explains Helbig .

The same blue can also be found in food

However, Patenblau V is not unknown in this country. In medicine but also in food industry it has been used by us for a long time. The so-called triphenylmethane dye with the number E 131 is contained, for example, in coatings on cheese and sausages, in sweets, cakes, biscuits, puff pastries, ice cream, desserts, but also in spirits – such as Blue Curaçao. In medicine, it is primarily used for diagnostic purposes, for example to mark lymphatic vessels, but sometimes also intravenously.

And that’s how it works Godfather Blue V in the eye drops: “The blue dye should penetrate the tissue and color it a little blue,” explains ophthalmologist Helbig. “According to the theory of color theory, the blue complementary color should make eyes that appear reddish or yellowish appear whiter – a purely cosmetic effect.”

In fact, this principle is already being used in established cosmetics. In addition to green, blue color pigments are also used here in order to redness to cover. Detergents for whites also often contain blue dyes. These are intended to cover discolouration and yellowing that has developed in the fabrics over time.

Eye drops for more white: Other agents even constrict blood vessels

In his book “Additives from AZ – What Labels Conceal” Udo Pollmer rated Patent Blue V as a “dubious additive”. In medicine, the potential harm is offset by a clinical benefit, they say. at cosmetics and food, the risk is significantly lower than with intravenous administration, but unnecessary.

In the end, everyone has to decide for themselves whether to use it, says Helbig. “Everyone is the architect of their own fortune and has to weigh up whether they want to accept possible complications for slightly whiter eyes.” Helbig also emphasizes: Blue drops are probably better than competing products that ensure that the blood vessels in the eyes to make them whiter. The negative consequences for health are clearly documented here. However, the expert considers natural ways of minimizing red eyes to be much more effective.

Ophthalmologist: Better to prevent red eyes naturally

Basically, if you have chronically reddened or acutely reddened eyes, you should ophthalmologist checked to see if there is something morbid in the eye that needs to be treated. “A red eye is initially completely unspecific and harmless in most cases,” emphasizes ophthalmologist Helbig.

However, there are serious ones diseasesthat could be behind it – for example conjunctivitis or iris inflammation. The expert advises anyone who suffers from irritation from dry eyes, coupled with burning, itching, rubbing, to drip the so-called artificial tears into the eyes to provide relief. Here, too, dilated blood vessels make the eyes appear glassy and reddish.

The same happens with not enough sleep, smoking, alcohol or other drug consumption. “Even if you get a puff or sit in front of the screen for too long, whether it’s a computer or television, it can irritate the conjunctiva and thus cause dilated blood vessels and reddened eyes,” explains Helbig. The same applies to air pollution and dry, air-conditioned room air – for example in office buildings. “The simplest and healthiest way to counteract this is to simply eliminate the causes.”

Blue eye drops: That’s what customers report

If you want to try the blue eye drops, you should obviously not only consider possible health risks. Regardless, their application seems to have pitfalls as well.

This is how users report online in product reviewsthat the blue liquid stains everything and settles in the corner of the eye. When it spills over the eyes, it stains the skin, someone else writes. According to the reviews, a number of customers are also unable to perceive the effect of whiter eyes.

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