Do you choose yellow, green, red like strawberry or blue like smurf ice cream? Or would you prefer C for Chocolate? Of course it’s about ice cream, what do you think 12 days before the election? Because today Olaf Höhn, head of “Florida Eis”, wanted to reopen his mother branch on Klosterstrasse in Berlin-Spandau – at least that was the plan. It all began in Klosterstraße in 1984. At that time, Höhn took over the Café Annelie and built up his ice cream empire.

The store has been closed since the fall. Reason: “renovation measures”. The branch was supposed to open on January 31st, but the shop is dark. Is there anything else going on or is the mother branch threatened with the end like Florida at City Hall? In the business building Ellipse were in October surprisingly the lights went out. The Tagesspiegel newsletter for Spandau radioed right away: What’s the matter, Mr. Höhn?

“Klosterstrasse needs more time for the renovation than planned, because we ordered a new ice cream counter and found that the floor under the old ice cream counter hadn’t played up for so many years,” the Florida boss tells the Tagesspiegel newsletter for Spandau.

The ice cream counter is also a problem. “The manufacturer of the ice cream counter from Italy wanted or should deliver on January 5th – the counter should now be delivered at the end of the week.” new splendor.” Then spring is just around the corner.

The ellipse, photographed from the town hall.
The ellipse, photographed from the town hall. “Florida Eis” closed in the fall. Now there are new ideas.
© André Görke

And what happens to the ellipse? In 2005 Höhn had the oval house built at the town hall and named it ‘Ellipse’ – above is my photo from the town hall. The Florida boss paid 3.7 million euros at the time and the daily mirror wrote: “Olaf Höhn gives Spandau a giant egg”. At that time, Höhn stepped in as a financier because the actual investor had canceled. The ice cream shop had 250 seats, but was often empty. Any new ideas?

“There will be a completely new concept for the Ellipse, in which I am not personally involved,” says Höhn to the Spandau newsletter. “This concept includes a coffee house operation, as well as a beer garden and shopping facilities.”

A beer garden and an extension of the Ellipse are planned.

Florida ice cream boss Olaf Höhn

“An increase is also planned. This would make the location even more attractive,” says Höhn and sends greetings to City Councilor Thorsten Schatz, CDU, and City Councilor Carola Brückner, SPD. “I hope that the city of Spandau will make the right decision here.”

More news from Spandau here

Would you like to read more from Spandau? Gladly. Then we recommend our Spandau newsletter, in which we offer you exclusive district news, pick up on neighborhood debates, and give lots of dates and tips. Once a week and free of charge – and for each Berlin district – at Here are the topics in the current Spandau newsletter.

  • 500 new Muslim graves in Gatow: The emergency solution in the dispute over the sand lizards only postpones the problem by a few months – the city council speaks in the newsletter.
  • Florida Ice Boss talks in the newsletter about Ellipse and renovations in the mother branch
  • New cantor of the Johannesstift talks in the newsletter about the good and bad sound of Spandau (and 3 great cultural tips!)
  • Finally light under the dark railway bridge on the Altstadt-Ufer: the city council gives the details in the newsletter.
  • Weekly market in Kladow: The city council announces a new attempt in the newsletter
  • Trouble about the five (!) meter high Rhenania bridge in Haselhorst – the city council shows the first sketch in the newsletter
  • Spandau becomes a pilot district for e-cars-Charging Lanterns”: The interview with the city council in the newsletter
  • Shore path behind the citadel will finally open
  • Buga to the Havelufer? This is how the other parties react to the FDP idea
  • Left wants children’s hospital on old British fallow land
  • AfD candidate loses for the 13th time
  • No acknowledgment of 100 years of Albert Einstein in Spandau? Wait, now there’s news
  • Hakenfelde: Carossa district gets two new street names – the discovery is the subject of the newsletter
  • Shipwreck off Kladow: THW is supposed to help – but there is a new problem, as the newsletter knows
  • Interior Senator wants police station in the Staaken Center
  • Permanent scaffolding at City Hall: The update on the renovation of the spire in the newsletter
  • Lots of cultural tipsmany appointments and a pastor who suffers from sports
  • Senate wants to close Neuendorfer Strasse for traffic and writes to the Spandau newsletter: the most important sentences from the letter
  • ...all that and much more read in the current Spandau newsletter from the daily mirror:

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