Black Lives Matter calls Kamala Harris' nomination political theatre

MIAMI — The movement Black Lives Matter He lashed out at him Democratic Party whom he accuses of having forced President Joe Biden to abandon the race for presidential re-election, and of “anointing” the vice president Kamala Harris as the candidate for that party without having been elected by the bases.

The organization has called on the Democratic National Committee to hold virtual primaries across the country ahead of the Democratic National Convention, which is scheduled for August 19-22. So far, the party and Harris have ignored the group’s demands.

Black Lives Matter, a far-left, Marxist-based, pro-democratic organization that has promoted violent protests across the country in the name of “equality,” is criticizing Harris’s appointment, saying the “flagrant disregard for democratic principles is unacceptable.”

“We call on the committee to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination and not just party delegates. The current political landscape is unprecedented, with President Biden stepping down in a way never before seen. This moment demands decisive action to protect the integrity of our democracy and the voices of Black voters,” the organization said.

President Joe Biden on Sunday resigned from his re-election campaign after coming under intense pressure following his disastrous June 28 debate with former President Donald Trump.

Sidelined, the president abandoned his aspirations and gave his support to the number two in his administration, Vice President Harris. Everything indicates that she will be the presidential nominee, having secured the support of more than two-thirds of the delegates who will “elect” her as a candidate at the Democratic convention; in addition, she has the support of almost the entire party leadership and has secured the financial support that had previously been frozen for Biden as part of the pressures to which he was subjected.

Democrats are trying to portray Harris as the new “hope” for the Party, offering the possibility of “encouraging” voters who were not behind Biden, but it seems that this does not convince all African Americans.

The organization denounced the fact that the Democratic National Committee refused to organize debates during the primaries, despite the fact that a large majority of Democratic voters demanded it. “This would probably have allowed the United States to see Joe Biden’s decline in 2023,” according to the movement.

Harris, an “unknown”

The party, whose messages insist on respect and claim that former President Donald Trump is a “threat” to democracy, is criticized for the imposition and hand-picking of Harris, ignoring voters, party statutes and preventing competition for the nomination, as denounced at the time by the now independent presidential candidate, Robert Kennedy Jr.

“After a primary that saw millions of black voters participate, and a poor performance in the debate, Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors forced Joe Biden out of the race. Now, the party elites are trying to manipulate black voters by anointing Kamala Harris, an unknown vice president, as the new Democratic nominee without a primary vote,” they underline.

This would indicate that Harris as vice president has remained disconnected from her party’s base.

“While the potential outcome of a Harris presidency may be historic, the process to achieve it must align with true democratic values,” they said in the statement, adding that she is an “unknown.”

“We have no idea about his vice presidential record because we don’t even know who he is yet.”

Dissatisfied voters

They complain that the electoral process has been a disservice to African-American communities and democracy. “Historically, blacks have been loyal Democratic voters, but time and again, the party has taken our votes for granted and prioritized the theater politician about our real needs.

According to Black Lives Matter, Democrats must differentiate themselves from Republicans. But the Republican Party conducted the primary process, and voters elected their candidate Donald Trump.

President Barack Obama, one of the few Democrats who has not endorsed Harris, has spoken out in favor of an “open process” for choosing the candidate. But all indications are that Harris will prevail.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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